Recognizing a Native American Holocaust
Before Columbus
Pestilence and Genocide
Sex, Race and Holy War
Excerpt from The Destruction of the Indies
by Las Casas
Examining the Reputation of
Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus, Marrano and Mariner
Christopher Columbus Jewish and New Christian
Christopher Columbus and the Indians
Columbus My
The Native American Discovery of Europe before
Columbus exposed as iron-fisted tyrant who
tortured his slaves
Columbus Day -The white man’s myth and the Redman's
Native Blood - The Myth of Thanksgiving
How Lincoln's Army 'Liberated' the Indians
Lincoln Targeting Civilians Is a War Crime
Massacre at Sand Creek
Wounded Knee Hearing Testimony
An Ojibwe Trail of Tears
Wisconsin Trail of Tears
Ojibwe Creation Story
Paleo-American Origins
Myth of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel
The Wallum Olum: a Pictographic History of
the Lenni Lenape, Root Tribe from which the Ojibwe arose
A Migration Legend of the Delaware Tribe
Wallum Olum: The Deluge
Part II
Winter Count: History Seen from a Native
American Tradition -
2 -
Tracing the Path of Violence: The Boarding School
Poverty and Despair: The Failed Policies & Human
Rights Violations directed against Native Americans
The Story of the Opposition on the Road to
Extinction: Protest Camp in Minneapolis
Who Deems What Is Sacred?
Savage Police
Brutality vs Nonviolence of the People
Mendota Sacred Sites - Affidavit of Larry
Cloud-Morgan, Catholic activist, buried
with his peace pipe
Larry Cloud-Morgan
and the Silo Pruning Hooks
Larry Cloud-Morgan:
Testimonies to a Great Soul
The Truth about Khazars -
Canadian Genocide of Indian Children by Church and
2 -
Residential School Genocide: Why "Apology" Isn't
Canadian Prime Minister Harper Apologizes for
Residential School Abuse
Quantum Physics Leads Science Back to the Sacred Fire
Cultural Differences Can Lead to Misunderstanding
Pine Pycnogenol
is the super-antioxidant that has been tried and tested
by over 30 years of research for many acute and chronic
disorders. The Ojibwe knew about it almost 500 years ago.
Didn't call it that, though. White man took credit.
natural serotonin enhancer to reduce stress and depression,
and enjoy better sleep
Plant Magic is Organic Gardening Nature's Way
Accelerated Equity can
help you own your home in half to one third the time and save many
thousands of dollars.
Listen to
American Indian Radio
while you surf
willow animal effigies
of the Southwest
Archaic culture, art from a 4,000 year-old tradition by Bill Ott
Unique Cherokee Dream-Catcher
from basket-weavers' numerology by Catherine
Traditional Life of the Ojibwe
Aurora Village Yellowknife
The Making of a Man
Little Dancer in the Circle
Friends in the Circle
Grass Dancer
Shawl Dancers
Jingle Dress Dancers
Fancy Shawl Dancer
Men Traditional Dancers
The Good Red Road
Crater Lake Photo Gallery
Crater Lake Landscape
Flowers of Crater Lake
Birds & Animals of Crater Lake
Gold Mantled Ground Squirrel
The Rogue River
Sacred Fire of the Modoc
Harris Beach Brookings Oregon
Indian Tribes and Termination
Encampment on the Winnipeg River by Paul Kane
Ojibwe Art and Dance
Interpreting the Ojibwe Pictographs of
North Hegman Lake, MN
Ojibwe Forestry and Resource Management
Ojibwe Homes
Ojibwe Honor Creation, the Elders and
Future Generations
Ojibwe Indian Reservations and Trust Land
Ojibwe Language
Introduction to Ojibwe Language
Introduction to Ojibwe Noun and Pronoun Grammar
Introduction to Ojibwe Numbers
and Money
Introduction to Ojibwe Verbs
and Preverbs
Introduction to Ojibwe
Verb Grammar
Introduction to Ojibwe Command and Question Grammar
FREELANG OJIBWE DICTIONARY - free downloadable Ojibwe-English &
English-Ojibwe dictionary form
Ojibwe Snowshoes and the Fur Trade
Ojibwe Sovereignty and the Casinos
Ojibwe Spirituality and Kinship
Question of Quantum
2 -
3 -
Family, Community, and School Impacts on
American Indian and Alaska Native Students' Success
Tracing the Path of Violence: The Boarding
School Experience
Quantum Physics Leads Science Back to the Sacred Fire
Cultural Differences Can Lead to Misunderstanding
Ojibwe Tobacco and
Traditional Ojibwe Entertainment
Soul of the Indian:
The Great Mystery -
The Family Altar -
Ceremonial and Symbolic Worship
Barbarism and the Moral Code
The Unwritten Scriptures
On the Borderland of Spirits
Charles Alexander Eastman
Origins of Violence
Review of The Origins and Diffusion of Patrism in
Saharasia, c.4000 BCE:
Evidence for a Worldwide, Climate-Linked Geographical Pattern in Human Behavior*
In his book, Saharasia, James DeMeo, Ph.D. has shown that violence may have
had its origins in a climate change that occurred several thousand years ago
in what is now called the Sahara Desert region of Africa. At one time the Sahara was
green and luxuriant with rich flora and fauna. Life was much easier and the
people who lived there were peaceful and in harmony with their environment
and each other. Their culture was mutually nurturing and their social
organization was open and functional. Among my people they would be described as
living according to the Original Instructions. These Original Instructions
were to love, honor and respect ALL Beings in the Web of Life. In this
aboriginal setting there was an inner harmony that reflected an outer
After 4000 BCE the climate of the Sahara began to get
drier and the ecosystem shifted to a savannah and then increasingly to arid
desert. The famines that began to occur changed the physiology of the people
through a change in their anatomy. More and more infants were born into the
struggle for survival and with that came a change in the function of their
brains. With the onset of starvation the anatomy of the brain began to
change and perhaps with it the function of the brain changed. The result
most probably effected a change in personality.
In any case, Dr. DeMeo's research spliced together the
several disciplines of anthropology, archaeology, climatology, ecology, and
psychology to record the shift from an "unarmored" matrist society to an
"armored" patrist society. The extremely dry desert belt which stretches across
North Africa, through the Near East into Central Asia, which he calls "Saharasia",
had the greatest extreme of repressive, painful, traumatic, and violent
behaviors identified as armored patrist social institutions. Such societies
are characterized by the disruption of maternal-infant bonds as well as
male-female bonds. At that time, the farther away from the Saharasia zone,
the more the behaviors were seen to have been gentle, peaceful, harmonizing,
mutually nurturing behaviors which are not armored against the bonds that
humanize people. Such societies are described as matrist because they
support and protect maternal-infant and male-female bonds.
Dr. DeMeo systematically analyzed anthropological data
from 1170 subsistence cultures and noted their change as the ecosystem
shifted from lush grasslands and forests to desert. Systematic examination
of archaeological and historical materials suggested a marked change
in human behavior. This militaristic, man-centered development in human
ecology was then traced as "armored" groups migrated out of the arid regions
and encountered other, less violent "unarmored" societies.
Prior to
the onset of dry conditions in Saharasia, evidence for matrism is
widespread, but evidence for patrism is generally nonexistent. It is
argued that matrism constitutes the earliest, original, and innate form
of human behavior and social organization, while patrism, perpetuated by
trauma-inducing social institutions, first developed among Homo Sapiens
in Saharasia, under the pressures of severe desertification, famine, and
forced migrations.
He began to utilize the
psychological insights of Wilhelm Reich provide
an understanding of the mechanism by which patrist (armored, violent)
behaviors become established and continue long after the initial trauma
has passed.
The present paper summarizes the evidence and
conclusions of my own seven-year geographical study on the worldwide,
regional variation in human behavior, and related socio-environmental
factors, a study which constituted my doctoral dissertation (DeMeo 1985,
1986, 1987). In this research, I specifically focused upon a major
complex of traumatic and repressive attitudes, behaviors, social customs
and institutions which are correlated with violence and warfare. My
study proceeded from clinical and cross-cultural observations on the
biological needs of infants, children, and adolescents, the repressive
and damaging effects that certain social institutions and classes of
harsh natural environment have upon those needs, and the behavioral
consequences of such repression and damage.
By examining the origins of human behavior using a
geographical approach it became possible to reconstruct a much clearer
global understanding of mankind's most ancient cultural history. DeMeo was
able to show the cause effect relationship between "traumatic and repressive
social institutions" and "destructive aggression and warfare." The great
hope of mankind is that there existed "an ancient, worldwide period of
relatively peaceful social conditions, where warfare, male domination, and
destructive aggression were either absent, or at extremely minimal levels."
It even became possible to identify the "exact times and places on Earth
where human culture first transformed from peaceful, democratic, egalitarian
conditions, to violent, warlike, despotic conditions. "
This research was made possible by "recent paleoclimatic and archaeological field studies (which revealed
previously hidden social and environmental conditions), and by the
development of large, global anthropological data bases composed of cultural
data from hundreds to thousands of different cultures from around the world."
Use of the computer allowed easy access to this
data. All of this constituted a systematic global
geographical reviews of human behavior and social institutions. In doing so,
Dr. DeMeo uncovered a previously unobserved, but clear-cut global pattern in
human behavior.
In comparing matrist and patrist culture it could be
seen that the origin of violence
was to be found in childhood trauma and sexual-repression
My research was initially aimed at developing a global
geographical analysis of social factors related to early childhood trauma
and sexual repression, as a test of the sex-economic theory of Wilhelm Reich. Reich's theory, which
developed and diverged from psychoanalysis, labeled the destructive
aggression and sadistic violence of Homo sapiens a completely
abnormal condition, resultant from the traumatically-induced chronic
inhibition of respiration, emotional expression, and pleasure-directed
impulses. According to this viewpoint, inhibition is made chronic within the
individual by virtue of specific painful and pleasure-censoring rituals and
social institutions, which consciously or unconsciously interfere with
maternal-infant and male-female bonds. These rituals and institutions exist
among both subsistence-level "primitives" and technologically developed
"civilized" societies.
Some examples are: unconscious or rationalized
infliction of pain upon newborn infants and children through various means;
separation and isolation of the infant from its mother; indifference towards
the crying, upset infant; immobilizing, round-the-clock swaddling; denial of
the breast to, and premature weaning of the infant; cutting of the child's
flesh, usually the genitals; traumatic toilet training; and demands to be
quiet, uncurious, and obedient, enforced by physical punishment or threats.
Other social institutions aim to control or crush the child's budding sexual
interests, such as the female virginity taboo, demanded by every culture
worshiping a patriarchal high god, and the punishment- and guilt-enforced
arranged or compulsive marriage. Most of these ritual punishments and
restraints fall more painfully upon the female, though males are also
greatly affected. Demands for pain endurance, emotion- suppression, and
uncritical obedience to elder (usually male) authority figures regarding
basic life decisions are integral aspects of such social institutions, which
extend to control adult behavior as well. These repressive institutions are
supported and defended by the average individual within a given society,
irrespective of their painful, pleasure-reducing, or life-threatening
consequences, and are uncritically viewed as being "good", "character
building" experiences, a part of "tradition". Nevertheless, from such a
complex of painful and repressive social institutions, it is argued, comes
the neurotic, psychotic, self-destructive and sadistic components of human
behavior, which are expressed in a plethora of either disguised and
unconscious, or blatantly clear and obvious ways.
The concept of armor derived from Reich's sex-economic viewpoint
can be described as chronic personality and even a muscular shielding that
the growing human
constructs to protect it from painful trauma.
Biophysical processes which normally lead to full and complete respiration,
emotional expression, and sexual discharge during orgasm are chronically
blocked by the armor, to a greater or lesser extent, leading to the
accumulation of pent-up, undischarged emotional and sexual (bioenergetic)
tension. The dammed-up reservoir of internal tension drives the organism to
behave in a generally unconscious, distorted, self-destructive, and/or
sadistic manner (Reich 1942, 1949). The above processes occur whenever, and
only whenever, attempts are made to irrationally deflect or mold human
primary biological needs or urges according to the demands of "culture". The
denial of the breast to an infant, the beating of a child for defecation or
sexual expression, or the forced marriage of young girls to old men ("child
betrothal", "bride price"), are examples.
Ritualized pain and the censoring of pleasure by
social institutions have been seen in most known cultures. Nevertheless there are a
few cultures that neither inflict pain upon infants and
children, consciously or otherwise, nor do they repress the sexual interests of
children or adults. Significantly these are also
"nonviolent societies with stable monogamous family bonds, and congenial,
friendly social relations."
Societies which traumatize their infants and
children, and repress the emotional expression and
sexuality of their adolescents, always exhibit an array of
neurotic, self-destructive, and violent behaviors. In contrast, societies
which treat infants and children with much physical affection and gentle
nurturance, and encourage emotional expression and adolescent sexuality as a
good, are by contrast psychically healthy and nonviolent.
In fact, cross-cultural research has shown the difficulty, even the
impossibility, of finding any disturbed, violent society which does not
also traumatize its young and/or sexually repress them.
Taylor's terminology, and expanding upon his schema according to
Wilhelm Reich's sex-economic findings, these violent, repressive societies are called
patrist They differ in in many significant aspects from matrist
cultures, whose social institutions are designed to protect and enhance the
pleasurable maternal-infant and male-female bonds. Table 1 gives a
contrast between extreme forms of patrist (armored) and matrist (unarmored)
Trait |
(armored) |
(unarmored) |
Children, &
Adolescents: |
Less indulgence |
More indulgence
Less physical
affection |
More physical
affection |
traumatized |
Infants not
traumatized |
initiations |
Absence of pain
in initiations |
Dominated by
family |
democracies |
houses or military or age villages |
Mixed sex
children's houses |
Sexuality: |
attitude |
attitude |
mutilations |
No genital
mutilations |
Female virginity
taboo |
No female
virginity taboo |
lovemaking severely censured |
lovemaking freely permitted
tendency plus severe taboo |
Absence of
homosexual tendency or strong taboo |
Incest tendency
plus severe taboo |
Absence of
strong incest tendency or strong taboo |
may exist |
Absence of
concubinage or prostitution |
Women: |
Limits on
freedom |
More freedom
Inferior status
Equal status
Vaginal blood
taboo (hymenal, menstrual & childbirth blood) |
No vaginal blood
taboo |
Cannot choose
own mate |
Can choose own
mate |
Cannot divorce
at will |
Can divorce at
will |
Males control
fertility |
Females control
fertility |
Cultural &
Structure: |
Authoritarian |
Democratic |
Hierarchical |
Egalitarian |
Patrilineal |
Matrilineal |
Patrilocal |
Matrilocal |
lifelong monogamy |
monogamy |
Often polygamous |
polygamous |
structure |
No full time
military |
sadistic |
Nonviolent |
& Beliefs |
oriented |
oriented |
avoidance of pleasure |
welcomed and institutionalized |
Inhibition, fear
of nature |
nature worshipped |
Full time
religious specialists |
No full time
religious specialists |
Male shamans |
Male or female
shaman |
Strict behavior
codes |
Absence of
strict codes. |
Origins of Violence
Click here for
more information on Saharasia.
White Eagle Soaring: Dream Dancer of the 7th Fire

Index of DreamCatchers
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Dream Catchers Art and
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Dream-Catchers are
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Disclaimer: The
statements on have not been evaluated by the FDA.
These dream catchers are not intended to diagnose nor treat nor cure any
disease or illness. Neither are dreamcatchers, the dream catcher, nor any
In accordance
with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without
profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the
included information for research and educational purposes.
© 2007, Allen Aslan Heart / White Eagle Soaring of the Little Shell Pembina Band, a
Tribe of the Ojibwe Nation