The sweat
lodge is found among most—but not all—Indian cultures in North America.
Today, participation in the sweats is often an affirmation of Indian
heritage and culture for both reservation and urban Indians. For some
people the sweat is done for purification, both physical and spiritual.
For others it is a social and cultural experience. For a few, it is an
experience of immense spiritual significance which connects the past with
the present and the present with the future.
The actual structure of the sweat
varies greatly from region to region and from tribe to tribe. In addition,
different medicine people within the same cultural traditional may built
their sweat lodges in a different manner. It is not possible to say that
“All sweat lodges …”
In this article, I would like to describe the
symbolism involved in the construction of a modern sweat lodge. It must be
stressed that this symbolism is not universal. What is described below is
simply one way of visualizing the sweat lodge.
One of the most common structural forms of the sweat
lodge is based on the wigwam: a dwelling common among the Indian nations of
the Northeast. Basically, the wigwam had a frame of bent saplings which
resemble an inverted bowl. Over this frame some type of coverings are laid.
In the Northeastern wigwam this covering was often birchbark or woven mats.
For many people the sweat lodge structure functions
to keep the light out (or the dark in) and to keep the heat in. For other
people, particularly those who are deeply involved with a tribal medicine
path, the structure of the sweat lodge has great symbolic significance.
While there are those who view the sweat lodge as a functional structure,
there are others who see it as a living entity, a structural which is alive.
The basic construction of the sweat lodge involves placing saplings in the
ground and then bending them over to form the form. Symbolically, it is
important that these saplings be grounded in Mother Earth for this
represents the role which Mother Earth plays in healing, in purification, in
obtaining spiritual experiences. With the saplings grounded in the earth,
the sweat lodge becomes a living entity.
The first two poles are placed in the north. North is
the direction of dreams. Dreams are the special gift which were given to
human beings at the time of creation and as a spiritual entity, the
construction of the sweat lodge begins by symbolizing this gift. By placing
the first two poles in the north, we also symbolically show that we
understand the creation story behind the gift of dreams to human beings.
The western north pole represents old dreams, dreams
fulfilled. The eastern north pole represents new dreams, dreams which are
coming, dreams which have not been fulfilled. This pole may also represent
those dreams which we do not yet understand.
The next two poles are placed in the south. It is
from the manitous (spirits) that live in the south that we obtain words.
Words are living things and live long after they have been spoken. In
placing these two poles, we symbolically show that we are aware of the power
of our words and we ask that we speak words which bring about healing and
harmony, which bring happiness and health.
The western south pole represents words which have
been spoken. The eastern south pole represents words which will be spoken.
The four poles—the two on the north and the two on
the south—are bent over and attached to each other. This action symbolically
represents the connection between dreams and words. It shows the need to
talk about our dreams and in this way to help complete the dream and to
discover its meaning.
The next two poles are placed in the west. The west
is the direction of the setting sun and thus represents death. In many
Indian traditions, death is not seen as something to be feared or as
something which is unnatural. Death is a part of life. It is common to hear
the expression “It is a good day to die” and many will add to this “as I
have lived well.” Accepting death as natural means that one should try
always to live well.
The symbolism of death in the construction of the
sweat lodge is not just a symbol of the physical death of the body, but of
the death or ending of traits, characteristics, and other aspects of human
life. Those who come into the sweat lodge seeking change in their lives are
seeking the death or ending of certain things in their lives.
The northern west pole represents dreams of death,
dreams of the ancestors, dreams of the past. The southern west pole
represents the words and wisdom of the ancestors.
The next two poles are placed in the east. The east
is the direction of the rising sun and thus represents birth, rebirth, and
new beginnings.
The northern east pole represents dreams and visions
of new ventures. This pole represents those dreams which challenge us to
attempt new things, to change the direction of our lives. The southern east
pole represents the words which need to be spoken.
The four poles—the two poles on the west and the two
poles on the east—are bent over and attached to each other. This act
symbolizes continuity and harmony. It represents the continuous cycle of
birth and rebirth, of reincarnation.
By the act of symbolically connecting the west and
the east, the dreams of the ancestors are directly connected to the dreams
of the future. The words of the ancestors are directly connected to the
words which need to be spoken.
One pole is placed in the north, to the west of the
first two poles. This pole represents moozo, the moose, and symbolizes our
relationship with and our dependence upon the animal people. Traditionally,
it was the animal people who sustained the human people and made life
One pole is placed in the south, to the west of the
second two poles. This pole represents adikmeg, the whitefish, and
represents leadership. In many cultural traditions true leadership is not
openly seen—there are no royal robes or crowns to symbolize who is the
leader. Instead, leadership is based upon words—words of wisdom and true
experience, words which bring about harmony and hold the people together,
words which seek to restore balance rather than create dissention—and upon
These two poles are bent over and attached to each
other. This act symbolizes the importance of good leadership, of unseen
leadership. It symbolizes the need for leadership which sustains and
nourishes the people.
One pole is placed in the north, to the west of the
first two poles. This pole represents mahkwa, the bear. It is the bear who
provides the sweat lodge with protection, who makes sure that nothing evil
is able to enter this sacred place. The symbolism of the bear also serves as
a reminder of the great healing power of sleep.
One pole is placed in the south, to the west of the
second two poles. This pole represent neegig, the otter. The otter
represents the healing power of laughter and the need to enjoy life and to
play. Some people, accustomed to the somber European traditions of religion,
are sometimes startled to find that laughter and play are a part of the
sweat lodge ceremony.
The two poles are bent over and attached to each
other. In this way, the strength of the bear and the playfulness of the
otter are connected. Both are needed in spiritual healing and spiritual
One pole is placed in the north, to the west of the
first moozo (moose) pole. This pole also represents moozo.
One pole is placed in the north, to the east of the
first makwa (bear) pole. This pole is another symbolic representation of the
The two poles—moose and bear—are bent over and
attached to each other. With the act, the moose, symbolizing sustenance, is
connected with bear, symbolizing strength.
One pole is placed in the south, to the west of the
first adikmeg (whitefish) pole. This is another symbolic representation of
One pole is placed in the south, to the east of the
first neegig (otter) pole. This is another symbolic representation of
The two poles—whitefish
and otter—are bent over and attached to each other. With this act,
whitefish, representing leadership, is symbolically connected with otter,
representing playfulness. In other words, leaders need to be playful, they
need to maintain their sense of humor, they need to laugh with the people.
There are now 16 poles, each
anchored in Mother Earth and therefore symbolically alive, which arch over
to enclose the sacred space.
The next step in completing the sweat lodge frame is
to weave four horizontal rows of poles around the lodge to represent the
four cycles of creation. For some ceremonial leaders it is important that
each one of these rows form a complete circle.
In many cultural traditions, the door of the sweat
lodge faces east, the direction of the rising sun, thus symbolizing the
rebirth of the participants as they emerge from the lodge. In some
traditions, the door faces west; among many Plateau cultures, the door faces
downstream (the Plateau lodge is always located near running water).
The size of the door also varies from culture to
culture. In some traditions, the doorway is kept low so that the
participants must enter the lodge on their knees or on their stomachs, a
reminder of their humility within the womb of Mother Earth.
In the symbolism of the lodge which I have been
describing, the door covering is fastened not to the lodge, but to the
earth. Two long ropes reach from the top of the door covering, over the
lodge, and then are fastened to the earth (either by stakes in the ground or
by tying them to living trees). This symbolizes the cycle of death (the
west) and birth (the east).
compiled by Dr. E. B. Eiselein for
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