When I was in the Southwest in 1994, on my way to California to teach Dream-Catcher weaving, I saw a three-dimensional Dream-Catcher that was very unique. I didn't take the time to study it, but I saw it again in northern Minnesota two years later. It had no name, it had no story, and it was made of metal rings wrapped in leather. Studying it for a couple minutes, I saw how it was woven. I found a way to make it of natural wood, and asked it for its name and its story. It was Two Paths/One Journey. Two Paths/One Journey Dream-Catchers show that when the paths of two people are woven together with an equal sharing, the result can be a beautiful, multidimensional journey. A dream catcher of true-relationship, this can be a wonderful gift for the wedding or a means to attract the dream energy of this powerful union. When two people weave their two paths together to create a shared journey they enter new dimensions of meaning and possibility, a co-creation of power and passion, love and healing. The marriage of true spirit is a gift from the Creator, a blessing of Mother Earth and Father Sky. In the matrix of relationship there is support and sharing, reflecting to each other your strengths and your weaknesses. Therefore, aware of the opportunity, you can let go of the games and the illusion of control to rise like the eagle and see beyond horizons.
Walk hand-in-hand with me Two Paths/One Journey: the Mathematics of True Partnership Relationships with other people are a vital part of our learning whether the association is distant, casual or intimate. The most important relationships are those that involve a close sharing of life’s journey. In close relationship each partner can serve as a mirror to the other so that ego, games, and manipulations can be unveiled. If there is clarity of mind, willingness to learn, honesty, and compassion, relationship can help you sort out and let go of the plots and ploys you've learned and refined. Of course, without clarity, when ego is running the show, it's nearly impossible to learn quickly and change. Rather, there is a resistance to change that usually results in blaming, shaming, abuse and suffering. Usually, ending the relationship will not change the way people live and love. They will fall back into the same choices and patterns that destroyed their previous relationships. Counseling may or may not help depending on the level of awareness of the counselor and the degree to which the principals agree to be honest and ready to look at their own patterns and manipulations. People often prefer to share their life with another for a variety of reasons. A frequently voiced reason is that they are looking for their other "half" as though another person will complete them, that the other will fill a void in them. This can be expressed in a "mathematical" expression: ½ + ½ = 1, but the reality can usually be expressed ½ x ½ = ¼. Wholeness cannot come from two incomplete people joining in a partnership. Often the outcome is disastrous. Of course, if one is abusive and the other is committed to playing victim there will be a modicum of satisfaction in that they help each other play out their roles. If they get along well, they still might not help each other move to clarity and wholeness. That's OK, too. There is no right or wrong. Just experience. Sooner or later they'll get the picture and change themselves and/or their partner. But if they think they can “fix” their partner, they will have fallen into still another trap and it might take lifetimes to sort out that misunderstanding. You can mirror the inappropriate behavior, model appropriate behavior, or try to explain what you consider to be appropriate. The only one you can hope to fix is yourself and believing you can fix someone else is another sort of ego-game. Some people are not “safe” playmates. They might have grown up in some aspects but are developmentally retarded emotionally, caught in an adolescent or childish mode of behavior. If you are trying to share a sandbox with another child who tends to throw sand and steal your toys, you might find it wiser to leave the sandbox and then be more careful and alert when you choose to share another sandbox with someone. If you keep choosing unsafe playmates, you might then look at your choosing to see what you are trying to learn from these experiences. Bawaudjigaeaun wae-ondji manitouwiyaun. In Ojibwe this means, "To dreams I owe the mystery." <back> The Stories Dream-Catchers Weave <next>
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willow animal effigies of the Southwest Archaic culture, art from a 4,000 year-old tradition by Bill Ott
Disclaimer: The statements on www.real-dream-catchers.com have not been evaluated by the FDA. These dream catchers are not intended to diagnose nor treat nor cure any disease or illness © 2007, Allen Aslan Heart / White Eagle Soaring of the Little Shell Pembina Band, a Treaty Tribe of the Ojibwe Nation. |