Natural Freedom Dream-Catchers of the Seventh Fire
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Perhaps a Natural Freedom
dream-catcher card?
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Traditional Life of the Ojibwe
Aurora Village Yellowknife
The Making of a Man
Little Dancer in the Circle
Friends in the Circle
Grass Dancer
Shawl Dancers
Jingle Dress Dancers
Fancy Shawl Dancer
Men Traditional Dancers
The Good Red Road
Crater Lake Photo Gallery
Crater Lake Landscape
Flowers of Crater Lake
Birds & Animals of Crater Lake
Gold Mantled Ground Squirrel
The Rogue River
Sacred Fire of the Modoc
Harris Beach Brookings Oregon
Indian Tribes and Termination
Ojibwe Art and Dance
Ojibwe Forestry and Resource Management
Ojibwe Homes
Ojibwe Honor Creation, the Elders and
Future Generations
Ojibwe Indian Reservations and Trust Land
Ojibwe Language
Introduction to Ojibwe Noun and Pronoun Grammar
Introduction to Ojibwe Numbers
and Money
Introduction to Ojibwe Verbs
and Preverbs
Introduction to Ojibwe
Verb Grammar
Introduction to Ojibwe Command and Question Grammar
FREELANG OJIBWE DICTIONARY - free downloadable Ojibwe-English &
English-Ojibwe dictionary form
Ojibwe Snowshoes and the Fur Trade
Ojibwe Sovereignty and the Casinos
Ojibwe Spirituality and Kinship
Tracing the Path of Violence: The Boarding
School Experience
Ojibwe Tobacco and
Traditional Ojibwe Entertainment
Soul of the Indian:
The Great Mystery -
The Family Altar -
Ceremonial and Symbolic Worship
Barbarism and the Moral Code
The Unwritten Scriptures
On the Borderland of Spirits
Charles Alexander Eastman
Listen to
American Indian Radio
while you surf
willow animal effigies
of the Southwest
Archaic culture, art from a 4,000 year-old tradition by Bill Ott
Unique Cherokee Dream-Catcher
from basket-weavers' numerology by Catherine
Origins of Violence
Recognizing a Native American Holocaust
Before Columbus
Pestilence and Genocide
Sex, Race and Holy War
The Native American Discovery of Europe before
Examining the Reputation of
Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus, Marrano and Mariner
Christopher Columbus Jewish and New Christian
Christopher Columbus and the Indians
Columbus My
Columbus exposed as iron-fisted tyrant who
tortured his slaves
Columbus Day -The white man’s myth and the Redman's
Excerpt from The Destruction of the Indies
by Las Casas
Massacre at Sand Creek
Wounded Knee Hearing Testimony
The Wallum Olum: a Pictographic History of
the Lenni Lenape, Root Tribe from which the Ojibwe arose
A Migration Legend of the Delaware Tribe
Wallum Olum: The Deluge
Part II
Winter Count: History Seen from a Native
American Tradition -
2 -
Ojibwe Creation Story
Paleo-American Origins
The Story of the Opposition on the Road to
Extinction: Protest Camp in Minneapolis
Who Deems What Is Sacred?
Savage Police
Brutality vs Nonviolence of the People
Mendota Sacred Sites - Affidavit of Larry
Cloud-Morgan, Catholic activist, buried
with his peace pipe
Art of Arthur

The Stories
Dream Catchers
Weave: Chapter
26 Natural
Freedom DreamCatchers
All of the Dream Catcher rings I had made for the first few years were
simple, unbranched twigs. All very restrained and proper. Simple and
beautiful, but they did not completely express the power of wildness,
the natural way of being. So much energy has gone into taming the
wilderness, domesticating the rivers until they are only canals
carrying barges, boats, and sewage. Closely cropped grass of the lawn
is preferred to the broad palette color of the flowers and grasses of
the prairie. Leaves and grass clippings are raked from the lawn
and´chemical fertilizers provide a dead nutrition as though Creator
was a very messy housekeeper and did not know how to properly provide
for the beings of the earth. In forgetting the Original Instructions
we have lost our feeling for the natural way of things. Most
important of all, we have forgotten Who we Are and our purpose for
being. These
Natural Freedom
--Who you are is a Warrior of the Light, a co-creator
whose wisdom and power is one with the Creator. This is your natural
state of being, your heritage. What you are is a human being that has
forgotten Who you are and is searching for your true identity. Your
beliefs ask you to do this or do that. Your focal point is your
doing. You accumulate deeds, accomplishments, property, control over
others, more and more "what" that cloaks "Who" under a mountain of
doing. To find your natural freedom you will have to let go of
constant doing and your belief in doing. Who you are does not
depend upon what you have and what you do. You can find
the natural beauty of Who you Are and you will be able to say of
yourSelf--I AM.
At the heart of Soaring beyond Mind is
detachment from the illusions of the material world. This does NOT
mean that we cannot enjoy or experience the physical world. We simply
are not identified with it. We humans have contrived a world in our
own image, creating limitations, laws, belief systems and rules. Our
ego-minds prefer a framework in which we seek security and comfort. We
hold onto that gilded frame with a white-knuckle grip, fearful that
something will sweep us away into an unknown chaos. There may come a
time, perhaps soon, when a time warp into another dimension suddenly
presents itself. Will you have the wisdom to recognize the
opportunity? Will you have the courage to step through? Why not? What
have you to lose? Are you attached to your body, your home, your job,
your car, your….? Do you really believe in limitations? Do you really
wish to fly, to soar beyond mind? You came here to experience life in
this dimension!! There was a waiting list to get in!!!
Walking along the gorge of Kakabeka Falls outside of Thunderbay,
Canada, I noticed a tree leaning precariously out over the deep
gorge. I walked cautiously to the edge to see and feel what it is
like to live in such a tragic predicament. Each year as it grows, it
pushes its roots deeper into the crevices in the rocks, forcing them
apart wider and wider until finally the rock will give way and fall
into the gorge--with the tree. Were any human to fall from such a
height it would certainly be considered a tragedy. The bottom of the
gorge was littered with trees that had fallen during many turns of the
In our culture we barely acknowledge that trees are alive. We seldom
consider that a tree has an inherent right to be since we
scarcely accept that the tree is a being that is one with the same
Creator as our own. It is a creature in the Web of Life. Even harder
to accept is the wisdom that the tree has a subtle sense of awareness
and self-awareness. Imagine the courage it would take to live an
entire life on the rim of the gorge. Each year your roots would reach
even deeper into the crack in the rock searching for more nutrients
and water. And each year your roots would widen the crack in the rock
until one day your grip on life would be loosened and you would plunge
into the abyss. Is this a tragedy? Consider WHO you are. The
what of you would become food for the beetles, worms, and fungi.
The what of you would recombine with All That Is. Does the
what of you disappear? Or does it just take a new form? Does the
WHO of you disappear upon the death of the what? WHO is.
What appears to be. Without what, WHO is. What has
beginning, so what ends. WHO is beginning-less, so WHO never
ends. Knowing this you can live in freedom and joy. It takes courage
to let go of the what, to live as though your what is
simply an expression of WHO You Are. Live joyfully here and now
knowing that what is WHO's field of play. Although what
you are is birth and death without end, WHO you are is beyond all
this will help. These verses are an encyclopedia, a library of wisdom.
It might be all that you need:
is WHO.
Expression is “what.”
SELF is the producer of reality
Expression is the production of SELF
“Nothing” is SELF-originated
Everything is originated
and disappeared in WHO
WHO sustains.
what is sustained.
WHO sources.
what changes,
and disappears.
WHO is.
what appears to be.
Without what, WHO is.
Without WHO, nothing is.
what has beginning, so what ends.
WHO is beginningless, so WHO never ends
WHO perceives.
what doesn’t.
WHO sustains what by WHO’s perceiving.
what by itself disappears
WHO cares.
what doesn’t.
what “matters.”
WHO doesn’t.
what is significant.
WHO grants significance.
what means.
WHO laughs.
what is enjoyed.
WHO enjoys.
what works.
WHO plays?
what works within WHO’s playing.
Outside of WHO’s playing “nothing” works.
what is WHO’s field of play.
WHO is what’s mover.
what is moved by WHO.
WHO expresses through “what.”
what is WHO’s expression.
“nothing” is WHO’s silence.
what and “nothing” are the two corners of WHO’s smile.
For WHO these two are the same.
When WHO is identified with "what," seriousness and
suffering arise.
When WHO is identified with “nothing,” humor and freedom
arise as so much loose “change.”
As a changing what trying to grab a “stable” changing what, even
change is changing.
what changes.
WHO doesn’t.
what has problems.
“nothing” doesn’t have problems.
WHO has problems and no problems.
WHO holds both the same way and laughs.
You as WHO is relation beyond all things and NOwhere.
You as what is at the effect of what else everywhere.
what you are is birth and death without end.
WHO you are is beyond all limitation.
what you are agonizes about its ever-ceasing to be.
WHO you are joyfully plays in what’s ever-becoming.
When what’s ever-becoming cancels what’s ever-ceasing to
be, WHO smiles.
what “matters” to WHO.
WHO doesn’t “matter” to what.
what is the “matter” with WHO.
Without WHO, what doesn’t “matter.”
Without what, WHO is the same.
With what, WHO is the same and different.
In what, the same is difference.
In WHO, the differences are the same.
what is one or isn’t.
WHO is one, many, and isn’t
what is he, she, it, them.
WHO expresses what and knows it.
what is expressed and knows not.
Together, WE ARE.
Separated what can be.
WE ARE WHO we are.
what stands between us.
WHO knows, what doesn’t.
Knowing that, WE hold no “between” position
All there is is...IS! |
Bawaudjigaeaun wae-ondji manitouwiyaun. In Ojibwe this means, "To
dreams I owe the mystery."
The Stories Dream-Catchers Weave
Are you ready to take charge of your life? Get out of debt NOW! Click
Here's My Bailout
White Eagle Soaring: Dream Dancer of the 7th Fire

Index of DreamCatchers However
You Spell DreamCatcher
However you've spelled Dream Catcher, these REAL Dream Catchers are
natural magic from Creator Direct (Manidoog).

This is a crazy world. What can be
done? Amazingly, we have been mislead. We have been taught that we can
control government by voting. The founder of the Rothschild dynasty, Mayer
Amschel Bauer, told the secret of controlling the government of a nation
over 200 years ago. He said, "Permit me to issue and control the money of
a nation and I care not who makes its laws." Get the picture? Your freedom
hinges first on the nation's banks and money system. That's why we
advocate using the
Liberty Dollar, to understand the
monetary and banking system. Freedom is connected with
Debt Elimination for each individual. Not
only does this end personal debt, it places the people first in line as
creditors to the National Debt ahead of the banks. They don't wish for you
to know this. It has to do with recognizing WHO you really are in
A New Beginning: A Practical Course in Miracles.
back your power and
stop volunteering to pay taxes to the collection
agency for the BEAST. You can take back that which is yours,
always has been yours and use it to pay off your debts. And you can send
others to these pages to discover what you are discovering.
Pine Pycnogenol
is the super-antioxidant that has been tried and tested by
over 30 years of research for many acute and chronic disorders.
The Ojibwe knew about it almost 500 years ago. Didn't call
it that, though. White man took credit.
natural serotonin enhancer to reduce stress and depression, and
enjoy better sleep
Plant Magic is Organic Gardening Nature's
Accelerated Equity
help you own your home in half to one third the time and save many
thousands of dollars.
Speed equity growth and get out of debt now!
a course to promote your business online, explode your sales
software to promote your business online in less time
software to streamline your business and run it hands free.
Dream Catchers
Art and Culture of the Seventh Fire
Dream-Catchers are wisdom-teachers. If you learn to
listen, they will take YOU on a journey of wonder and revelations, too.
Illusions are stripped away and new ways are revealed. The real
Dream-Catchers of the Seventh Fire are
waiting for you. Come into the realm of Real Dream-Catchers. See with eyes of spirit,
listen with your heart and soar with the White Eagle.
Disclaimer: The
statements on www.real-dream-catchers.com have not been evaluated by the FDA.
These dream catchers are not intended to diagnose nor treat nor cure any
disease or illness. Neither are dreamcatchers, the dream catcher, nor any
In accordance with Title 17
U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who
have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for
research and educational purposes.
© 2007, Allen Aslan Heart / White Eagle Soaring of the Little Shell Pembina Band, a
Tribe of the Ojibwe Nation.