Fulfilling the Seventh Fire Prophecy - now is the time Neesh-wa-swi ish-ko-day-kawn' Soar Home with the wisdom of real dream-catchers
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Dream-Catchers are not just things. They are wisdom-teachers.

Real Dream-Catchers teach the wisdoms of the Seventh Fire, an Ojibwe Prophecy, that is being fulfilled at this moment. The Light-skinned Race is being shown the result of the Way of the Mind and the possibilities that reside in the Path of the Spirit. Real Dream-Catchers point the way.

REAL Dream Catchers have a deep tradition behind them and that includes their wisdom teachings


Maritime Pine Pycnogenol is the super-antioxidant that has been tried and tested by over 30 years of research for many acute and chronic disorders. The Ojibwe knew about it almost 500 years ago.  Didn't call it that, though. White man took credit.

Shegoi - Natural herbs for Cold Sores, Chickenpox, Genital Herpes, Shingles, Epstein-Barr, and other herpes outbreaks, from the native people of the Southwest.

Plant Magic is Organic Gardening Nature's Way

Seroctin--the natural serotonin enhancer to reduce  stress and depression, and  enjoy better sleep

Real Debt Elimination
Mortgage Elimination
Eliminate Credit Card Debt
Eliminate Student Loans
Eliminate Taxes
Credit Repair
Draft Freedom
Family Protection
Family Charitable Foundation

Listen to
American Indian Radio
while you surf 

A New Beginning: A Practical Course in Miracles


Museum-quality willow animal effigies of the Southwest Archaic culture, art from a 4,000 year-old tradition by Bill Ott

Why Taxes Are Not Necessary

Income Taxes are Cartoon Images of the Law

Behind the Stock Market Illusion is Government Collusion

The Price of Free Corn

Get a course to promote your business online, explode your sales

Get software to promote your business online in less time

Get software to streamline your business and run it hands free.

I Want The Earth Plus 5% -- an allegory that's not a  fairy tale.

The Native American Holocaust

Now is the time of the Seventh Fire.  By the light of the Seventh Fire come the Ogichidaag', those who would use their power and strength with wisdom and gentleness to bring harmony and balance.  They will soar with wabishkie ginu*, the White Eagle, bringing the wisdom of Spirit with the first light of day. They will learn of their power and strength like the gidzhii makwa' the Great Bear who holds ice and snow in the North so the Earth would not be covered with water.  And they will open their mind and heart like makinaak�  the turtle who offered his back upon which to build a new earth.  

Turtle necklace from Indian vendor at Topsfield PowwowWhen I was invited to Europe in 1998, I thought I was just going to market dream catchers, tell their stories, and teach dream catcher weaving. Before I left America, I had been told by Mishanagqus, a Passamaquoddi/M'kmaq seer who has strong medicine, that I had a much larger job to do. I was being sent to the place where the pebble of mind was dropped into the pond.  Great Spirit had showed me that I was to teach a new way of being for a new people.  I had returned the ancient stories to the people.

Mishanagqus and Grandfather OakWhile at powwows in Massachusetts, three Indian women each gave me a gift--the eagle of dawn, a bear claw, and a turtle.  And Grandfather Oak, a 96-year old Indian man that I'd healed at the Topsfield powwow gave me his dancing moccasins.  I'd been told that I was to dance a new dream, to create the new possibilities offered by the Vision of the Seventh Fire.   I would find a female companion, my spiritual and earthly mate, with whom I would bring the message and the teachings of the Seventh Fire. 

This is where the path divides.  No longer will the way of the mind be allowed to dominate and divide.  People of the Mind must be shown the vision of the Seventh Prophet of the Anishinabe and given a choice to learn to walk in balance.  They must rediscover their connection to all things --- the path of the spirit.  

To many "civilized" people, the path traveled by my People seems slow and primitive.  The power and wisdom of this path isn't easily understood when their mind is taught to play inside boundaries and their heart is closed to sissagwaad, the soft wind of Spirit.  Our project is to teach the way to peace, the wisdom and the power of the spiral, the way of the circle, how to walk in balance between mind and heart, how to find inner strength and serenity, and how to use power and wisdom according to the Original Instructions.  This is the traditional way of the Native people of North America.  I've taught this with drumming, storytelling, song, dance, and the weaving of dream catchers.  It wasn't enough.  There must be more.

Bit by bit the pieces have come together.  I saw that I must teach people how to be guided by spirit and how to receive energy from the universe.  Then they would become Ogichidaag, leaders who would use their power with gentleness, wisdom, and love to guide others to a new way of life.  To do this we must emphasize the importance of the way of the circle in remembering the Original Instructions--love, honor, and respect all beings in the Web of Life.  Many others have taught the way of the circle but the circle was not integrated into the lives of people.  There must be a focus, a purpose that creates a vortex around which the circle can spiral into being. 

I am helping people learn how to do the earth experience in a new way, a way that works with the new energies of this new time.  The old way of Western Civilization is a way of individual limitation, separation, isolation, hierarchies, domination, and a mind guided by ego.  The new way is a way of individual blossoming, togetherness, community, the circle, cooperation, and a mind that is guided by heart, by spirit.  The most effective method we can use to learn this new way is a practicum, a practical application of the experience of the circle way.  We show people ways to improve their health so that they have the clarity and stamina to do the spiritual work. We show people who to discover their true freedom through practical courses in debt elimination and sovereignty. We show people how to work together to bring prosperity to themselves and their community. In another practicum we create a community with a common purpose of mutual support using the Native American model of the circle way.

White Eagle Soaring: Dream Dancer of the 7th Fire


American Gold and Silver Currency is Back. Click here for the Liberty Dollar at a Discount.

See Real Dream Catchers' links

This is a crazy world. What can be done? Amazingly, we have been mislead. We have been taught that we can control government by voting. The founder of the Rothschild dynasty, Mayer Amschel Bauer, told the secret of controlling the government of a nation over 200 years ago. He said, "Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation and I care not who makes its laws." Get the picture? Your freedom hinges first on the nation's banks and money system. That's why we advocate using the Liberty Dollar, to understand the monetary and banking system. Freedom is connected with Debt Elimination for each individual. Not only does this end personal debt, it places the people first in line as creditors to the National Debt ahead of the banks. They don't wish for you to know this. It has to do with recognizing WHO you really are in A New Beginning: A Practical Course in Miracles. You CAN take back your power and stop volunteering to pay taxes to the collection agency for the BEAST. You can take back that which is yours, always has been yours and use it to pay off your debts. And you can send others to these pages to discover what you are discovering.

Collapse of the Dollar: How America Was Set Up to Take a Fall

The Cash Cows of Personal Debt

Disclaimer: The statements on www.real-dream-catchers.com have not been evaluated by the FDA. These dream catchers are not intended to diagnose nor treat nor cure any disease or illnes

2007,  Allen Aslan Heart / White Eagle Soaring of the Little Shell Pembina Band, a Treaty  Tribe of the Ojibwe Nation.