Pine Pycnogenol
the super-antioxidant that has been tried and tested by over 30
years of research for many acute and chronic disorders. The
Ojibwe knew about it almost 500 years ago. Didn't call it that,
though. White man took credit.
Shegoi -
Natural herbs for Cold Sores, Chickenpox, Genital Herpes,
Shingles, Epstein-Barr, and other herpes outbreaks, from the
native people of the Southwest.
natural serotonin enhancer to reduce stress and depression,
and enjoy better sleep
Plant Magic is Organic Gardening Nature's Way
Accelerated Mortgage Pay-off can
help you own your home in half to one third the time and save many thousands
of dollars.
Get gold and silver.
Protect your liquid net worth
with real Liberty Dollars in both gold and silver!
The Cash Cows of Personal Debt
I Want The Earth Plus 5% --
an allegory that's not a fairy tale.
Collapse of the Dollar:
How America Was Set Up to Take a Fall
Real Debt Elimination
Mortgage Elimination
Eliminate Credit Card Debt
Eliminate Student Loans
Eliminate Taxes
Credit Repair
Draft Freedom
Family Protection
Family Charitable Foundation
Listen to
American Indian Radio
while you surf
ever evolving four
based in Minneapolis. We
have humbly embraced the idea that
music is bigger than us all. Our style varies from acoustic pop to
electric funk blues.
If it feels good then we'll play it.
This is our identity. Just listen to our music and enjoy it as it
is. God Bless all!!!
A New Beginning: A Practical
Course in Miracles
willow animal effigies
of the Southwest
Archaic culture, art from a 4,000 year-old tradition by Bill Ott
Draft Freedom
can mean the difference between life and
death and show the way to your true and natural freedom.
Child Protection:
How to keep bureaucrats out of family affairs
Drug Smuggling
Is Another Way that the Money Powers Have Profited
from Control of Government
Why Taxes Are Not Necessary
Income Taxes are Cartoon Images of the Law
Hidden Truth about Income Taxes
Behind the Stock Market Illusion is Government
Real Story of Money is Global Control
Confronting the Illegal Money System
The Price of Free Corn
a course to promote your business online, explode your sales
software to promote your business online in less time
software to streamline your business and run it hands free.
Prophecies are Fulfilled...but for the 7th
Along the Great Salt
Water in the East, life was full and rich for the People, the Anishinabeg.
After the Seven Prophets came to them, there were many large gatherings to
discuss their predictions. Many people did not want to move away from their
homes with their families and begin a long migration through strange lands.
Some unselfishly supported those who believed in the power of the prophecies
and were ready to follow because they thought it was in some way part of the
Creator's Plan. One group supported the plans to follow the Megis into the
unknown lands of the setting sun, but they pledged to stay and care for the
eastern fire of the people. They were called the Wa-bun-u-keeg', the
People of the Dawn. Five hundred years later they would be among the first
to be caught in the death and suffering the Light-skinned people would
bring. By the time of the Fourth Fire, their homes, families, and villages
would be tom apart. They would be scattered, lose their roots, their power.
Today these people are called the "Abenaki." The U.S. government does
not recognize their existence as a tribe. These are also my people. My
great-great grandmother was born in Vermont in about 1841, married a white
man and they moved to Wisconsin and then to Minnesota. They did not realize
that they followed her relatives who had made the journey hundreds of years
before. Many Ojibwe people live in Wisconsin and Minnesota today.
The people followed the Great River to the Setting Sun, the St. Lawrence
River, looking for the island shaped like a turtle. Near present-day
Montreal they found such an island and the Megis shell rose up out of the
water to greet them. There they brought the Sacred Fire and did many
ceremonies to cleanse themselves to be ready to receive their next
instructions. After some time they continued to follow the Great River into
a sweet water sea until they came to a roaring waterfall that spoke like
thunder. They called it Ani-mi-kee'wabu, place of the thundering
water. Once again the Sacred Megis shell rose up out of the water and
greeted them, and the Sacred Fire was brought here. Today the Light-skinned
people call this place Niagara Falls.
Again the people moved on along another large sweet water sea until they
came to a narrow river that was cut deep into the earth. It was the river
the First Prophet had described. Many people were drowned trying to cross
this river. When the people set up a village there, the Sacred Megis rose up
out of the water to greet them. That river is today called the Detroit
At this time there came to be three groups among the Anishinabeg. Each group
had a special task. One group, called the 0-dah-wahg', were
responsible for providing the people with their food and supplies. They were
the hunters and traders. A second group, called the 0-day'wah-to-mee,
were the keepers of the Sacred Fire as the people moved along. The third
group was the faith keepers of the nation, called the 0jib-way.
Today, the 0-dah-wahg' are called the Ottawa, the 0-day'wah-to-mee
are called the Potawatomi, and the 0-jib-way are called the Ojibwe or
incorrectly, Chippewa. These were the nations of the Three Fires, powerful
and united by a common purpose--following the Sacred Megis to an unknown
destination. The nations of the Three Fires were asked to join war
expeditions against the Light-skinned invaders in the East, but they
remained focused on their mission and their destiny, whatever that was to
be. They followed the sissagwad, the soft whisper of spirit, not
knowing where it would lead them..
At the time of the Second Fire the people were encamped along the east shore
of the third sweet water sea. There they searched for a way to cross the sea
to continue their journey in search of the food that grows on water. Here
they stayed for a long time establishing villages and planting gardens. In
attending to basic survival needs, people began to neglect the sacred ways
and soon forgot about their journey. Only a few of the elders still
remembered the purpose of their migration. Then a little boy had a dream
about a path of stones that would lead across the waters. They returned to
the River that Cuts Like a Knife and retraced their steps. There they found
a chain of islands that lead across the sweet water sea.
Moving the people by canoe they continued their western journey in search of
the food that grows on water. On the largest island in the chain the Sacred
Megis appeared to the people, rising out of the water.
This island became the center of the Anishinabeg nation, the Sacred Fire was
brought here, the sacred water drum of the Midewiwin Society was heard
again. Then the water drum was moved to the eastern shore of another sweet
water sea and the Sacred Megis appeared again. Here the people had their
first contact with the Light-skinned people, French explorers, voyageurs,
and traders, called the Ah-dah-way' wih-nih-neeg. These people brought many
gifts, metal knives, axes, kettles, and pots, woven cloth and coats, colored
glass beads. These people came in brotherhood, and seemed to be friendly and
respectful of the ways of the people. These people were treated as brothers,
many of them married women of the Anishinabeg, and they were adopted into
the nation. It was the beginning of the Fourth Fire. In the East, other
Light-skinned people would come wearing the face of death. These people
destroyed many villages of the People of the Dawn who had remained along the
Great Salt Water. They destroyed the garden paradise the Anishinabeg had
tended for thousands of years. These people seemed not to know how to be in
balance and yet they believed that their way was the best and only way to
Groups of the Anishinabeg traveled along the north and south shores of the
fourth sweet water sea and reaching a bay at the western end they found mah-no-men,
wild rice, "the food that grows on water." The destination had been reached.
Spirit Island in the bay was the sixth stopping place. Not very far away
along the southern shore of the great sweet water sea they found an island
shaped like a turtle, the final sign that their journey was complete. They
placed tobacco on the shore as an offering to the Great Spirit who had led
them to this holy place. They called the island Moh-ning'wun-ih-kawn-ing.
This became the capital of a powerful Anishinabeg nation and the Great Sweet
Water Sea was called Gii-dzhii Ojibwe-gah-meeng, the Great Sea of the
Ojibwe (called Gitchi gumi in Longfellow's poem, Hiawatha). The Sacred Megis
rose up out of the waters and told them that they had reached their
destination and that now they must continue to follow the path of the spirit
so they could light the path in the time of the Seventh Fire. Here they
brought the Sacred Fire and the sacred water drum sounded for many years.
The prophecies of the First, Second, and Third Prophets had been realized,
and the prophecy of the Fourth Prophet continued to unfold.
Light-skinned men in long black robes, Muk-a-day-ih-kahn-ah-yayg,
came clutching a black book to their chest and carrying something that
seemed to honor the four directions. These men were impressed with the
generosity, honor, and respect shown by the Anishinabeg. Still, they wanted
the Anishinabeg to change their ways and accept the teachings of a man from
far away,. They warned that not following this book they would not be able
to walk the Path of Souls to the Star Web to join their relatives. This was
very frightening to many of the people and they left their traditional ways
to follow the Black Coats and their black book. A wedge was driven between
the people of the Midewiwin Society and the people following the new
teaching. The conflict between the people of the black book and the people
of the Sacred Megis split the community into factions that broke the circle
of the nation. People scattered to the smaller lakes of Wisconsin and
Thus began the time of the Fifth Fire. The wave of light-skinned people
forced all native people into poverty on tiny reservations supported by
erratic deliveries of promised supplies and equipment. These were usually
rotten, poor quality, or insufficient to care for the needs of the people.
To educate the children in the new ways the light-skinned people took
children away from their parents, put them in boarding schools far away from
their homes and families, cut their hair, took away their medicine bundles,
forbade the use of their native language. So the hoop of the nation was
broken, taking the young people away from the medicines, the stories, the
teachings, the spirit ways, the strength that had brought a spirit-filled
people on a journey for more than six hundred years. The children were
taught to walk the way of the light-skinned people who thought that theirs
was the superior way, the way of "progress."
This was the time of the Sixth Fire. Children were turned against their
parents and their grandparents. The teachings of the elders could not be
heard and the elders grew sick. They had lost their place in the circle. The
circle was broken. The weapons used by the light-skinned were untrue
stories, racism, guns and bayonets, cannon and disease. Today the weapons
are courts, attorneys, textbooks and schools that teach propaganda as
history, movies and television that portray the way of Native People in a
shallow way. And sometimes guns and bayonets.
Next: Fulfilling the Seventh Fire Prophecy
White Eagle Soaring: Dream Dancer of the 7th Fire

Real Dream Catchers' links
This is a crazy world. What can be
done? Amazingly, we have been mislead. We have been taught that we can
control government by voting. The founder of the Rothschild dynasty, Mayer
Amschel Bauer, told the secret of controlling the government of a nation
over 200 years ago. He said, "Permit me to issue and control the money of
a nation and I care not who makes its laws." Get the picture? Your freedom
hinges first on the nation's banks and money system. That's why we
advocate using the
Liberty Dollar, to understand the
monetary and banking system. Freedom is connected with
Debt Elimination for each individual. Not
only does this end personal debt, it places the people first in line as
creditors to the National Debt ahead of the banks. They don't wish for you
to know this. It has to do with recognizing WHO you really are in
A New Beginning: A Practical Course in Miracles.
back your power and
stop volunteering to pay taxes to the collection
agency for the BEAST. You can take back that which is yours,
always has been yours and use it to pay off your debts. And you can send
others to these pages to discover what you are discovering.
Disclaimer: The
statements on www.real-dream-catchers.com have not been evaluated by the FDA.
These dream catchers are not intended to diagnose nor treat nor cure any
disease or illnes ©
Aslan Heart / White Eagle Soaring of the
Little Shell Pembina Band,
Tribe of the Ojibwe Nation.