"Not asleep." "What!' said the Littlest Acorn, very surprised and curious. 'Not asleep." "Who said that? I did. You thought that I was asleep, but I'm not." "Who are you? asked the Littlest Acorn, looking around. "Right in front of you, Littlest Acorn. I'm Rock. You bounced off me a momentago." "Oh dear, I didn’t hurt you did I?" she apologized. Rock laughed softly. 'No, you didn't hurt me. Much larger acorns have bounced off me. I hardly noticed. It's pretty hard to break a rock, you know. We've learned patience and strength through the years. " "Years?" "Oh... yes. You just got here... time is new for you, isn't it? Well... hmmmm ... let me think. Okay, we use time as a way of putting the events of our life in a row, one following another. That way we can find them in our memory when we want to think about them. It's just a useful way to store thoughts," explained Rock. "You mean like-‑I bounced off you and then we started talking?" "Right! And then when we talk we can understand each other. It's a little trick we learned from humans. Some of them use it as if it's the only way of thinking," Rock said, beginning to laugh again. "But then they're very new to our family." "Humans?" asked the Littlest Acorn, puzzled. back← Littlest
![]() See Real Dream Catchers' links This is a crazy world. What can be done? Amazingly, we have been mislead. We have been taught that we can control government by voting. The founder of the Rothschild dynasty, Mayer Amschel Bauer, told the secret of controlling the government of a nation over 200 years ago. He said, "Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation and I care not who makes its laws." Get the picture? Your freedom hinges first on the nation's banks and money system. That's why we advocate using the Liberty Dollar, to understand the monetary and banking system. Freedom is connected with Debt Elimination for each individual. Not only does this end personal debt, it places the people first in line as creditors to the National Debt ahead of the banks. They don't wish for you to know this. It has to do with recognizing WHO you really are in A New Beginning: A Practical Course in Miracles. You CAN take back your power and stop volunteering to pay taxes to the collection agency for the BEAST. You can take back that which is yours, always has been yours and use it to pay off your debts. And you can send others to these pages to discover what you are discovering. Disclaimer: The statements on www.real-dream-catchers.com have not been evaluated by the FDA. These dream catchers are not intended to diagnose nor treat nor cure any disease or illness © 2007, Allen Aslan Heart / White Eagle Soaring of the Little Shell Pembina Band, a Treaty Tribe of the Ojibwe Nation |