People of the Seventh Fire
More than
1,000 years ago my people, the Anishinabeg, lived along the shores of the
Atlantic Ocean. There were so many and they were so powerful that it is said
that one could stand at the top of the highest mountain, look in all
directions, and not see to the ends of the nation. They traveled the
waterways by canoe and in winter they traveled with dog sled. Their life
was full of abundance and beauty. The Anishinabeg developed their natural
heritage of wisdom and power through dreams and the
way of the circle. They followed the path of the spirit, walking
in balance, in harmony with all beings. They communicated with the animals
and fish that provided them with food. Trees and plants told them of their
They knew the magic and
mystery of the spirals. Using this
knowledge, some of them traveled great distances with ease. Even today,
some of the Hopi people of the Southwest desert in the USA still remember
the stories of my people appearing in their underground chambers. They
would speak with the Hopi people, do ceremony with them, and then disappear
through the walls of the kiva.
My people had no need for
police, laws, courts, judges, or prisons. It is the way of the circle to
help each other and for each to contribute their talents and skills for the
well-being of the community. The best hunters and fishers would share the
hunt. The women gathered food together and shared it with everyone. They
lived by the Original Instructions to love, honor, and respect all beings in
the circle of life. This was given to all people at the beginning of the
Creation. It's written in our hearts.
The Prophecy of the Seven Fires
according to The Mishomis Book by Edward Benton Banai
megis is a cowrie shell, very sacred to the Ojibwe. Through the
megis Creator breathed life into all beings. |
prophets appeared to the people. The First Prophet told the people that in
the time of the First Fire they would leave their homes by the sea and
follow the sign of the megis. They were to journey west into
strange lands in search of a island in the shape of a turtle. This island
will be linked to the purification of the earth. Such an island was to be
found at the beginning and at the end of their journey. Along the way they
would find a river connecting two large sweet water seas. This river would
be narrow and deep as though a knife had cut through the land. They would
stop seven times to create villages but they would know that their journey
was complete when they found food growing on the water. If they did not
leave, there would be much suffering and they would be destroyed. And they
would be pursued and attacked by other nations along the way so they must be
strong and ready to defend themselves.
The Second Prophet told them they could recognize the Second Fire because
while they were camped by a sweet water sea they would lose their direction
and that the dreams of a little boy would point the way back to the true
path, the stepping stones to their future.
The Third Prophet said that in the Third Fire the Anishinabe would find the
path to the lands prepared for them and they would continue their journey
west to the place where food grows upon the water.
The Fourth Prophet was two who came as one. The first told them to expect a
race of people who had light skin. The future of the Anishinabeg would be
known by the face the light-skinned people would wear. If they come in
brotherhood there would be a time of wonderful change. New knowledge would
be joined with the old knowledge and the two peoples would join to make a
mighty nation. Two other nations would join to make four and they would
become the mightiest nation of all. If they brought only their knowledge
and their good-will they would be like brothers.
The second being of the Fourth Prophet warned the light-skinned race might
wear the face of death that would almost look the same as the face of
brotherhood. "If they come carrying a weapon and if they seem to be
suffering, beware. Behind this face is greed. You shall recognize the face
of death if the rivers are poisoned and the fish are unfit to eat."
The Fifth Prophet said that in the time of the Fifth Fire there will be a
struggle between the way of the mind of the light-skinned people and the
natural path of spirit of the many nations of natural people. "As this fire
loses its heat there will come among the people those who promise great joy
and salvation. If the people accept this promise and abandon the old ways,
the struggle will continue for many generations. This promise is false and
it will nearly destroy those who accept it."
The Sixth Prophet told them that in the time of Sixth Fire it would be clear
that the promise accepted during the Fifth Fire was false. "Those who were
deceived by this promise will take their children away from the teachings of
the elders. The elders will lose their purpose in life and many will become
sick and die. Many people will be out of balance and the cup of life will
become the cup of grief."
The Seventh Prophet was younger than the others who had come and there was a
glowing light from his eyes. He said that there would come a time when the
waters had been so poisoned that the animals and plants that lived there
would fall sick and begin to die. Much of the forests and prairies would be
gone so the air would begin to lose the power of life.* The way of the mind
brought to the red, black, and yellow nation by the white nation would bring
danger to the whole earth. In this time there will arise
Osh-ki-bi-ma-di-zeeg, a new people who will emerge from the clouds
of illusion. They will retrace their steps to find the treasures that had
been left by the trail. The stories that had been lost will be returned to
them. They will remember the Original Instructions and find strength in the
way of the circle. Their search will take them to the elders and the new
people will ask for guidance. But many of the elders will have walked the
Path of the Souls to the Star Web. Many elders will have forgotten their
wisdom and they will not be able to help. Some of the elders will point in
the wrong direction and others will remain silent because of their fear.
Some of the elders will be silent because no one has asked them for their
If the New People will find trust in the way of all things, in the circle,
they will no longer need the selfish voice of the ego and they can begin to
trust their inner voice. Wisdom will be once again be found in dreams of
the night and of the day. The sacred fire will once again be lit. The
Light-skinned People will be given a choice between two paths. If they
choose the right path the Seventh Fire will light the Eighth Fire and final
fire of brotherhood and sisterhood. If they choose the wrong path,
remaining on the path of the mind, then the destruction they brought with
them will come back to destroy them. The people of the earth will
experience much suffering and death.
* 10,000 Gallons of Oxygen are burned for EVERY GALLON
OF FUEL used in an engine...a plane or a car, etc.
* 3 Million Gallons of jet fuel are used every DAY at
Multiply that by 10,000 Gallons of Oxygen Burned PER
GALLON of fuel.
The result: 3 BILLION Gallons of OXYGEN are burned per DAY
at O'Hare International Airport.
The net result: 3 Billion Gallons of Oxygen-Depleted
Air are created loaded with at least 147 types of toxins and pollutants.
* One single large airliner uses more Oxygen per HOUR
than all of the Earth's Six Billion people breathe during that entire
There are
approximately 2,700 Air Busses in flight today - more are on order -
bringing the total soon to 4,300
Insects, Birds And Fish Dying In The Millions
I was having a cup of tea in the kitchen when I heard a 'brief'
blurb on the news
telling of a million fish that had died in the Colorado River (covering an
area of 7
miles). The reason given was 'lack of oxygen'. I waited to hear more on
broadcasts (pictures) and there was NOTHING just that 30 second
announcement. When I
went searching I found that this was not an aberration pertaining just to
the Colorado,
but was happening in all parts of the country (rivers & lakes) and to put
the people,
who blame farmer's fertilizer at ease, many of these areas had no farms
anywhere near
Tens of thousands of fish have been found in California, Oregon,
Washington State,
Pennsylvania, and the Potomac etc. Looking further, I found that this is
happening world
wide, from Romania to China! Combine these massive die-offs with thousands
of dead
whales, sea turtles, porpoises, birds, honey bees, and butterflies. Well,
it's not hard
to reason that the planet is dying. These massive deaths appear to be
reported only
locally and never making it to the national scene or an all out alarm by
the EPA or
environmental (corporate sponsored) groups?
Colorado River
The Gulf of Mexico has a DEAD ZONE that is approximately 7,000 square
miles! Oregon has
a DEAD ZONE off of its coast the size of Rhode Island. NO ALARM bells. I
can understand
this depraved indifference, since massive pollution, (84,000 gallons a
day) from a
landfill holding 2.3 MILLION TONS of putrid garbage is contaminating
ground water and
rivers in my own state (NH). When our state Department of Environmental
Services held a
hearing in the little town of Bethlehem (northern NH) they had the
audacity to tell a
citizen, who held a jar aloft, with this rusted polluted water that 'iron
is good for
you'. Sending the website 'Goliath Trust' and photos off to the Governor,
Council, and various legislators, was met with SILENCE. Moral: Corporate
military testing (sonar), corporate HOG farmers, etc, take precedence over
the health of
the nation and our waters...
- The Prophecies Are Fulfilled...but for one
White Eagle Soaring: Dream Dancer of the 7th Fire

This is a crazy world. What can be
done? Amazingly, we have been mislead. We have been taught that we can
control government by voting. The founder of the Rothschild dynasty, Mayer
Amschel Bauer, told the secret of controlling the government of a nation
over 200 years ago. He said, "Permit me to issue and control the money of
a nation and I care not who makes its laws." Get the picture? Your freedom
hinges first on the nation's banks and money system. That's why we
advocate using the
Liberty Dollar, to understand the
monetary and banking system. Freedom is connected with
Debt Elimination for each individual. Not
only does this end personal debt, it places the people first in line as
creditors to the National Debt ahead of the banks. They don't wish for you
to know this. It has to do with recognizing WHO you really are in
A New Beginning: A Practical Course in Miracles.
back your power and
stop volunteering to pay taxes to the collection
agency for the BEAST. You can take back that which is yours,
always has been yours and use it to pay off your debts. And you can send
others to these pages to discover what you are discovering.
Disclaimer: The
statements on www.real-dream-catchers.com have not been evaluated by the FDA.
These dream catchers are not intended to diagnose nor treat nor cure any
disease or illnes
© 2007, Allen
Aslan Heart / White Eagle Soaring of the
Little Shell Pembina Band,
Tribe of the Ojibwe Nation