After a few months I had learned how to evenly space the loops around the dream-catcher hoop to create the spiralling patterns. Then I asked, "What would happen if the loops were spaced in a regular progression from large to small?" I found that it shifted the opening away from the center. By inserting another small Dream-Catcher within the opening at a right angle to the larger, dreams could be received from east and west as well as from north and south--the four directions.The four directions are among the most important facets of the spirituality of most Native American people. In each direction resides a Spiritkeeper and those who have gone before us, who have walked their Earth Journey in truth and beauty and have followed the Path of Souls to the Star Web. These are the Grandfathers and Grandmothers of all of us who can return to guide us and help us feel the awesome and immense power of Love that is available at all times and in all places. They are very near to us just on the other side of the veil that separates their world from the world of illusion. Four Directions Dream-Catchers- -The Grandmothers and Grandfathers of the North send dreams to cleanse and purify. From the East they send light and wisdom. The Grandmothers and Grandfathers of the South send their love and abundance. From the West comes insight and intuition. Their wisdom and strength are available to us without measure whenever we ask with power, passion, and intention with love and honor in our heart.Later, I developed a technique to create leather sculpture making forms over which I stretched damp leather, molding it to the contours and working it into the details of the faces of Grandfather Spirit and Grandmother Spirit. Decorated with feathers, stones and bones, seeds and beads, claws and hooves they are effigies of the power of love and wisdom.
Usually we do not know, or we forget, that our spirit guides are close at hand, always watching over us, ready to serve us in many ways if we would but ask. They wish to let us know that they are present and prepared to assist us in our Earth experience, our lessons and learning that elevate our ability to live in joy and harmony. Their role is to love, protect, and guide. They are aware of the difficulties of taking human form and living in the apparent limitations of the physical world. They honor you for your choosing to be Ogichidaa, Warrior of the Light. Prayers to the Grandfathers and the Grandmothers Grandfathers and Grandmothers of the East, each day you bring us new light so that we may grow in wisdom. Shine your light into the hearts of all people so we will all remember the Original Instructions that were written in the hearts of all beings since the beginning of all things. Grandmothers and Grandfathers of the South, your warm winds have sent us your love and the abundance from Mother Earth. We wish to always remember that as we follow the Original Instructions we will walk in balance and harmony and all our needs will be met. The power and wisdom of this path is not easily understood when the mind is taught inside boundaries and the heart is closed to sissagwaad, the soft wind of spirit. Open the heart of all who follow the way of the mind. Grandfathers and Grandmothers of the West, in the darkness of night you have sent us dreams to see deep inside our hearts, to learn how to walk the path of the spirit. We wish to see the beauty that hides behind each moment and discover the Great Mystery that is in us and all things. Help all people of the mind see the power of dreams. Help us learn from our dreams so that we can always remember the Original Instructions. Grandmothers and Grandfathers of the North, you have brought the cold winds and snows each year to cleanse our Mother Earth. Now the cleansing of the mind has begun. The energies of the stars have shifted into a new focus to end domination and hierarchy. No longer is it possible to live by the mind unless guided by the heart. Blow the fresh, clean wind of spirit to sweep away the belief systems that limit all who are trapped in the way of the mind. Now is the time. <back> The Stories Dream-Catchers Weave <next> White Eagle Soaring: Dream Dancer of the 7th Fire
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