Beyond the meadow of light and the forest dark is a garden of pure being.
Open your heart
and journey there with me
and we shall Dance the new Dream
and Sing the new Songs.
allen aslan heart
Soaring with the White Eagle is the
purpose of life on this planet. Since 1994, I've done workshops
from San Diego to Slovenia for over 5,000 people. I've continued this journey
sharing the teaching,
creating the website and exploring life. I'd like to share with you a virtual experience of soaring that you can use as a model for the real joy of soaring.
I'd like to introduce these experiences to you so that you can gain new insights and add value to your life. Soaring is a real possibility for you today and every day. It's up to you! No one else can bring such joy and happiness to you and no one can take it away.
The good news is that soaring doesn't have to cost you anything. It's
free! Joy and happiness is all around if you just know how to look.
The joy of soaring is as common as stones on the path, leaves on the
trees, grass in the meadow, and stars in the sky. It's available
to everyone no matter what they've done or where they live. Stars
twinkle for everyone. You can't buy the ability to soar and it's
not for sale! The joy of soaring is simply yours if you know how
to find it. Without it no amount of money or power has any value.
I'll introduce you to resources and tools and share stories and valuable advice to help you discover the magic of soaring.
What you eat, drink, breathe, think and do affect your ability to soar.
I've many proven ways to help you discover the joy and happiness of soaring. Suddenly a new life experience can be yours! It's your choice! Perhaps this will provide a little insight to the experience.
I lived a reasoned, cautious life, my heart was in a cage. Each tick was measured on my clock to stop the passion's rage.
I learned my prudent, jailer's role at church, at home, at school, to be the watchdog of my soul lest ecstasy should rule.
Now comes this strange unruled way, throws open my life's door and says "Come play with me. Even butterflies are free!" To live and love and be alive, to all the good in me, to find mySelf in opened heart is a cosmic gift to BE.
allen aslan heart
At the heart of
the capacity to soar in joy and happiness is your willingness to step
outside the limits you've been taught. Soaring is a natural state of
being that you can choose. Soaring with the White Eagle, you can discover
the easy, fun ways to find the joy and happiness of soaring in your life.
It's the 100% safe, natural, and healthy alternative for the way you
experience life.
We may find examples of soaring in all of the
world religions. Still, we won’t tell you to follow a religious
path. It's a simple spiritual awareness of "WHO" you are
and that "what" is the game. Usually people get caught up
in the game and forget "WHO" they are. Worse yet, they
even take the game seriously and look for joy in all of the dead ends
available to them. You can insist on looking for joy in the money and
power games and the many other distractions, if you like. You might
even convince yourself that that's happiness. It's always your
choice! Here's a small part of a workshop paper (author unknown)
that I've developed further for clearer understanding:
The Spirit of Your Self is called WHO. The expression of that which is you is called what. WHO is the producer of your Reality. what is the expression produced by WHO. WHO is the source. what receives from the source. WHO sustains what. what is sustained by WHO. WHO absorbs what. what disappears. WHO is the space in which what appears. WHO remains free, what changes, appears, and disappears. When WHO is identified with what, seriousness and suffering arise. When WHO is identified with
nothing, humor and freedom arise
as so much loose "change."
so on…..)
The Secrets of Soaring that you’ll discover in
Soaring with the White Eagle will be the most precious discoveries of
your life. The joy and happiness of living are here and now in the
present moment. The NOW Moment is the only time when you are truly
alive. The past is dead. The future is not yet born.
Only the NOW Moment is clear. The past is always clouded by judgment and
ego. The future is hidden in the mist of maybes. This doesn't mean
that you must forget the past, just accept its lessons, let go of your
beliefs and judgments and live here now, in this present moment. It
also doesn't mean that you can't plan for the future--just don't live
there! Every moment spent in the past or the future is another NOW Moment
I know some people who spend most of their life
energy reliving the hurts, insults, and unhappiness of their past.
Do you know someone like that? I also know others who spend most of
their time living in their future, sacrificing all of their NOW
Moments. In neither case are they choosing to live fully. Do
you recognize the patterns? Joy and happiness are only found in the
NOW Moment. Sure, you can remember or you can imagine moments of
joy, but it's not the REAL thing, just a memory, an image. Soaring with
the White Eagle has many tools and experiences to help you enjoy life
fully by living in the NOW Moment. Here's a part of the story of the
NOW Moments:
The past is always clouded by judgment and ego. The future is hidden in the mist of free will and fantasy. The NOW Moment is perfectly clear. The past is dead. The future is not yet born. Only in the NOW Moment are you truly alive. You cannot dance in what was. You cannot sing in what will be. Only in the NOW Moment can you taste the beauty of All That Is. The past is always ending. The future is always beginning. Each NOW Moment simply IS. Only in the NOW Moment can you know the Great Mystery within you. Only in the NOW Moment can you remember the Original Instructions. The NOW Moment is a cosmic gift of True Being The NOW Moment is the Gift of Life.
joy and happiness of soaring are goals you can reach easily and
comfortably--it only depends on the way you look at life and on your
capacity to love yourself and others. You're here for the experience
of life on this planet. One of my favorite movie scenes is from the
movie, “Michael.” Archangel Michael (played by John Travolta) has
returned for the earth experience for his last time and he's sitting in a
field looking over a beautiful countryside. Speaking to a little dog
sitting at his side he says wistfully, "It's so beautiful. I'm
going to miss it so much!"
Earth is a very special place
like none other in the universe. There's a waiting list to come
here. Doesn’t it seem strange that so many want to leave so soon?
This life is a very special opportunity for you. Each of your
experiences is a precious gift, a treasure of great value. This is
especially true of your problems...and your "tragedies." The
caterpillar might see the chrysalis as a bewildering change in his
life. Yet the butterfly knows there is a magic and mystery in the
transformation. Instead of munching on leaves and crawling about, the
butterfly flits about, drinks the nectar of the flowers, and sports a beauty
unimagined by the caterpillar. The
butterfly dream catchers are from the
Dream-Catcher Heritage Collection of the Seventh Fire by White Eagle
Soaring. I wrote this poem for my children's book,
The Littlest Acorn:
Inside the chrysalis he could not know the Mystery he held, that from the homely caterpillar a butterfly would grow, that what he thought was tragedy had only set him free, to be the meadow's gift of love the wings of Liberty. aaheart
need to take another look at the world around you with a new insight,
awareness and wisdom. Most people focus on what's "wrong" and
"hurtful." It seems that if you could just find all the
"wrong" things and change them, then this world would be a
paradise. It's so logical. Or so it seems. When you focus
your energy on the "wrong" or "bad" you give your energy
to that which you despise! The energy of despising is just a hidden form
of the same energy that's behind the "wrong" and
"bad." The people wishing to "Stop the war!" are
only feeding their energy to war by the angry form of their opposition.
Can you make war against war and still find a lasting peace? It hasn't
worked yet. When you can put your energy into "Start the
peace!" your energies will be focused on the good that you desire.
with the White Eagle is a collection of stories of those who are starting the
peace and sharing the joy and love around the world. I have many stories from
my own experiences and my network of friends around the world will tell their
stories. We need your help with this. I want to create an international
movement focusing on the beauty, wonder, and joy that is all around you.
Perhaps you and your friends have soaring stories, too. I've created
Soaring with the White Eagle at REAL Dream Catchers.com to share these stories and some of the insights
and tools, the jokes and cartoons for the “light-hearted,” and the art and
music of love, joy, happiness, and peace.
I’ll tell you about
the two
angels Raphael and Gabriel who saved me from drowning in the Pacific
Ocean, stories of how the Grandfather and Grandmother Spirits have showed me
their presence in taking care of me on my earth journey, the synchronicities
and “miracles” that have shattered my skeptical assurance of rationality,
how dream catchers have woven me, about healings and even changing the
weather. These aren’t miracles or “magic.” They’re the
natural way of things. Really! (That’s a long reach for a former science
teacher—MA in biology!) I’ve been there, done that, and it’s
real! In Soaring with the White Eagles I’ll tell my experiences and
the many experiences of others around the world.
Soaring with the White Eagle I’ll show you how the
Seventh Fire Prophecy is being fulfilled from Europe to
Australia. I'll show you the way to develop your full capacity in
the way of the circle.
Each time you come here you’ll discover more and more of the ways of soaring
and meet more soaring people. This will be packed with how-to
information, new insights, people and groups who are soaring, information that
can’t miss brightening your life, putting a smile on your face and lots of
love in your heart. Come, soar with me!
White Eagle Soaring: Dream Dancer of the 7th Fire
Real Dream Catchers' links
This is a crazy world. What can be
done? Amazingly, we have been mislead. We have been taught that we can
control government by voting. The founder of the Rothschild dynasty, Mayer
Amschel Bauer, told the secret of controlling the government of a nation
over 200 years ago. He said, "Permit me to issue and control the money of
a nation and I care not who makes its laws." Get the picture? Your freedom
hinges first on the nation's banks and money system. That's why we
advocate using the
Liberty Dollar, to understand the
monetary and banking system. Freedom is connected with
Debt Elimination for each individual. Not
only does this end personal debt, it places the people first in line as
creditors to the National Debt ahead of the banks. They don't wish for you
to know this. It has to do with recognizing WHO you really are in
A New Beginning: A Practical Course in Miracles.
back your power and
stop volunteering to pay taxes to the collection
agency for the BEAST. You can take back that which is yours,
always has been yours and use it to pay off your debts. And you can send
others to these pages to discover what you are discovering.
Disclaimer: The
statements on www.real-dream-catchers.com have not been evaluated by the FDA.
These dream catchers are not intended to diagnose nor treat nor cure any
disease or illness
© 2007, Allen Aslan Heart / White Eagle Soaring of the Little Shell Pembina Band,
a Treaty
Tribe of the Ojibwe Nation.