Physiology of Seroctin

Natural Serotonin from Seroctin, and extract from a special variety of corn Soar Home with the wisdom of real dream-catchers
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Seroctin helps the body make its own natural serotonin

Real Dream-Catchers teach the wisdoms of the Seventh Fire, an Ojibwe Prophecy, that is being fulfilled at this moment. The Light-skinned Race is being shown the result of the Way of the Mind and the possibilities that reside in the Path of the Spirit. Real Dream-Catchers point the way.

Natural serotonin from Seroctin derived from the tips of young corn leaves


Natural Serotonin from Seroctin

What is Seroctin?

How does Seroctin work?

Physiology of Seroctin

Seroctin Patent  - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5

Testimonials for Seroctin, the Natural Serotonin Optimizer

Doctors Fail to Recognize Life-Threatening Serotonin Syndrome- 2 - 3 - 4

SSRI Makers Use Media To Reel In Pregnant Women Customers- 2 - 3

CDC Downplays Birth Defects of SSRIs to Boost Sales- 2 - 3 - 4 

FDA Protects SSRI Makers With Misleading Suicide Warning- 2 - 3

The Dangers of Prozac - part 2

A Dark Side to Prozac

Real SSRI Side Effects

Prozac and SSRIs Exposed

Eli Lilly Settles Prozac Lawsuit

Maritime Pine Pycnogenol  is the super-antioxidant that has been tried and tested by over 30 years of research for many acute and chronic disorders. The Ojibwe knew about it almost 500 years ago.  Didn't call it that, though. White man took credit.

Shegoi - Natural herbs for Cold Sores, Chickenpox, Genital Herpes, Shingles, Epstein-Barr, and other herpes outbreaks, from the native people of the Southwest.

Plant Magic is Organic Gardening Nature's Way

Accelerated Mortgage Pay-off can help you own your home in half to one third the time and save many thousands of dollars.

Seroctin--the natural serotonin enhancer to reduce  stress and depression, and  enjoy better sleep

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Ask yourself the following question:

If the U.S. Center of Disease Control states that over 86% of all doctors office visits can be attributed to prolonged periods of stress, don’t you feel it’s important to offset the effects of stress before it becomes a problem?

Due to it’s long list of symptoms (both physical and emotional), stress is one of the largest growing segments of health-related complaints in the world. One of the main impacts that stress has is the alteration of Serotonin balance and its corresponding neurotransmitters.

Did you know that Serotonin is in charge of over a dozen pathways which directly influence the way you think, and feel?

Seroctin’s principle action is serotonin balance. This document will provide a brief summary of what serotonin is and the biological actions influenced by proper serotonin balance.

Seroctin is an impact product! Everybody knows somebody who can benefit from Seroctin! Here is a summarized list of Seroctin’s main benefits:

· Improved Mood and optimism
Emotional Energy· Rejuvenating Sleep Patterns
Sharpened Mental Focus· Normalized Libido & Sexual Performance
Lessened Stress & Anxiety


Twenty five years ago researchers initiated a study on population growth in animals to determine why reproductive rates are commonly higher in the spring than in other times of the year.

The results of this study uncovered the astonishing fact that a unique family of compounds present during a short time period in the springtime growth of certain plants enhanced the feeling of well-being in many animals. Consequently, this feeling of wellbeing increased their libido and ultimately their reproductive patterns.

Since the time of this discovery, this unique collections of natural compounds have been referred to as Seroctin. Subsequent to discovering Seroctin’s unique nourishing influence, the main challenge has been discovering a way to naturally generate sufficient quantities of Seroctin to realize it’s benefits in humans.

Since 2001, Suvida has made quantum leaps in optimizing the growth, quality and concentration of Seroctin, which has been demonstrated in lab, animal, and human testing.

Prior to testing for human consumption, Seroctin safety, toxicity, chronicity and sexual tests were conducted on a variety of animals, from lemmings to rabbits, ostriches to quail and even the giant Panda.

Animal tests illustrated improved mood, more frequent sexual activity along with measurable improvements in fertility and embryo survival, higher sperm counts, enhanced egg viability and faster growth of babies.

Once the success of these animal tests was demonstrated, similar tests were conducted on both male and female human control groups. A number of key findings include the following:

Seroctin generated nearly a 50% rise in serotonin levels when called upon to do so.

· As mentioned earlier, tryptophan is the amino acid from which serotonin is made.

It is also the least abundant of essential amino acids in most diets. This means that a very limited amount of trytophan is usually available for making serotonin.

Trytophan dioxygenase (TDO) converts trytophan to kynurenine, an amino acid excreted in urine. With increases in TDO activity, kynurenine is made at the expense of serotonin. Therefore TDO activity is a good indicator of the amount of tryptophan being converted into serotonin. The greater the TDO activity, the less serotonin is being made. In the results of this study, TDO activities were decreased by as much as 50%, leading to a significant rise in the amount of tryptophan available to the brain for serotonin production.

· Serotonin is metabolized into hydroxyindole acetic acid (HIAA) and then passed via the kidneys into urine. Elevated HIAA levels indicate that greater amounts of tryptophan are being made into serotonin. Seroctin increased HIAA levels two-fold in this Seroctin study.

· Tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH) is the enzyme in serotonin that limits the rate of serotonin synthesis. This study demonstrated that Seroctin increased TPH activity 33%.

· Melatonin is synthesized from serotonin. Reduced melatonin levels have been closely linked to behavioral changes and mood disorders. Melatonin levels typically decrease with age, which explains why younger people have fewer problems sleeping than do older people. It is also believed that melatonin strengthens the immune system and reduces free radicals in the body. These laboratory studies demonstrated that melatonin production becomes significantly elevated in the presence of Seroctin.

Translated into non-technical terms, Seroctin delivers widespread and potentially life saving benefits, including:

· Enhanced mood, energy and a general feeling of well-being.
Sharper mental focus and enhanced learning capability.
Improved sleep patterns.
Reduced anxiety.
Increased frequency and duration of sexual activity.

1 - 2


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Seroctin is the natural serotonin optimizer.   Order Seroctin now...

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Natural Serotonin from Seroctin

What is Seroctin?

Physiology of Seroctin

How does Seroctin work?

Testimonials for Seroctin

Progress Chart for Seroctin Use

The Dangers of Prozac - part 2

A Dark Side to Prozac

Real SSRI Side Effects

Prozac and SSRIs Exposed

Eli Lilly Settles Prozac Lawsuit

Doctors Fail to Recognize Life-Threatening Serotonin Syndrome - 2 - 3 - 4

SSRI Makers Use Media To Reel In Pregnant Women Customers- 2 - 3

CDC Downplays Birth Defects of SSRIs to Boost Sales- 2 - 3 - 4 

FDA Protects SSRI Makers With Misleading Suicide Warning- 2 - 3

Seroctin Patent - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5

White Eagle Soaring: Dream Dancer of the 7th Fire


American Gold and Silver Currency is Back. Click here for the Liberty Dollar at a Discount.

This is a crazy world. What can be done? Amazingly, we have been mislead. We have been taught that we can control government by voting. The founder of the Rothschild dynasty, Mayer Amschel Bauer, told the secret of controlling the government of a nation over 200 years ago. He said, "Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation and I care not who makes its laws." Get the picture? Your freedom hinges first on the nation's banks and money system. That's why we advocate using the Liberty Dollar, to understand the monetary and banking system. Freedom is connected with Debt Elimination for each individual. Not only does this end personal debt, it places the people first in line as creditors to the National Debt ahead of the banks. They don't wish for you to know this. It has to do with recognizing WHO you really are in A New Beginning: A Practical Course in Miracles. You CAN take back your power and stop volunteering to pay taxes to the collection agency for the BEAST. You can take back that which is yours, always has been yours and use it to pay off your debts. And you can send others to these pages to discover what you are discovering.

Disclaimer: The statements on  have not been evaluated by the FDA. These dream catchers are not intended to diagnose nor treat nor cure any disease or illness

© 2007, Allen Aslan Heart / White Eagle Soaring of the Little Shell Pembina Band, a Treaty Tribe of the Ojibwe Nation