History of the Ojibways -1

History of the Ojibways from Dream Catchers of the Seventh Fire DreamCatcher Collection

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Real Dream-Catchers teach spirit wisdoms of the Seventh Fire

Real Dream-Catchers teach the wisdoms of the Seventh Fire, an Ojibwe Prophecy, that is being fulfilled at this moment. The Light-skinned Race is being shown the result of the Way of the Mind and the possibilities that reside in the Path of the Spirit. Real Dream-Catchers point the way.

Much has been written and debated about the origin of Native Americans. Scientific anthropology insists that they must have come over a land bridge or the ice during the last ice age and that they are descendants of Asiatic forbears.

Mormons claim that they are descendants of the Lost Tribe of Joseph through one of his sons, Manasseh.

There is evidence that there was traffic and trade across the Atlantic between West Africa and South America with migrations into what is now Mexico and the southeast region of the United States. Even genetic ancestors from Europe are not yet ruled out. Other esoteric claims of alien spacecraft push credulity to the limit.

Some people, especially the Hopi, believe that they arrived through a "hole" in time. "Most Native Americans reject these saying that their ancient stories say that they originated on the American continent. 


History of the Ojibways by William Warren

Indian Tribes and Termination

Ojibwe Art and Dance

Ojibwe Forestry and Resource Management

Ojibwe Homes

Ojibwe Honor Creation, the Elders and Future Generations

Ojibwe Indian Reservations and Trust Land

Ojibwe Language

Ojibwe Snowshoes and the Fur Trade

Ojibwe Sovereignty and the Casinos

Ojibwe Spirituality and Kinship

Ojibwe Tobacco and Pipes

Traditional Ojibwe Entertainment

Myth of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel - 2 - 3 - 4

Soul of the Indian: Foreword

The Great Mystery - 2
The Family Altar - 2
Ceremonial and Symbolic Worship - 2
Barbarism and the Moral Code - 2
The Unwritten Scriptures - 2

On the Borderland of Spirits - 2

Charles Alexander Eastman

Pycnogenol is a super-antioxidant sourced through Native American medicineMaritime Pine Pycnogenol  is the super-antioxidant that has been tried and tested by over 30 years of research for many acute and chronic disorders. The Ojibwe knew about it almost 500 years ago.  Didn't call it that, though. White man took credit.

Seroctin--the natural serotonin enhancer to reduce  stress and depression, and  enjoy better sleep

Plant Magic is Organic Gardening Nature's Way

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I Want The Earth Plus 5% -- an allegory that's not a  fairy tale.

Collapse of the Dollar: How America Was Set Up to Take a Fall

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Willow animal effigies by Bill Ott after relics found in the Southwest Archaic CultureMuseum-quality willow animal effigies of the Southwest Archaic culture, art from a 4,000 year-old tradition by Bill Ott

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Wallum Olum: The Deluge - Part II

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Larry Cloud-Morgan in Memoriam

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Finding Ice Flower
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Rock Art of Native America


Divisions among the aboriginal inhabitants of North America--The Algic family of tribes--Their geographical position at the time of the discovery--Their gradual disappearance, and remarks on their present fate--Ojibways form the most numerous tribe of the Algics--The names, with their significations, of the principal tribes of this family--Causes of the difference in their several idioms--The importance of the Totemic division among the Algics--Origin of the name Ojibway--Present geographical position of the Ojibways--Their numbers and principal villages--Subdivisions of the tribe--Nature and products of their country--Present mode of livelihood.

Before entering into the details of their past history, it is necessary that the writer should give a brief account of the present position and numbers of the Ojibways, and the connection existing between them and other tribes of the American Indians residing in their vicinity, within the limits of the United States, Canada, and the British possessions.

Reliable and learned authors who have made the aboriginal race of America an object of deep study and research, have arrived at the conclusion, that the numerous tribes into which they are divided, belong not to the same primitive family or generic stock, but are to be ranged under several well-defined heads or types. The well-marked and total difference found existing between their several languages, has been the principal and guiding rule under which they have been ethnologically divided, one type or family from another.

The principal and most numerous of these several primitive stocks, comprising a large group of still existing tribes, have been euphoniously named by Henry R. School-craft, with the generic term of Algic, derived from the word Algonquin, a name given by the early French discoverers to a tribe of this family living on the St. Lawrence River, near Quebec, whose descendants are now residing, partially civilized, at the Lake of the Two Mountains, in Canada.

Judging from their oral traditions, and the specimens of their different languages which have been made public by various writers, travelers, and missionaries, nearly every tribe originally first discovered by the Europeans residing on the shores of the Atlantic, from the Gulf of St. Lawrence, south to the mouth of the James River in Virginia, and the different tribes occupying the vast area lying west and northwest of this eastern boundary to the banks of the Mississippi, from the mouth of the Ohio to Hudson Bay, belong to the Algic family. In this general area the Six Nations of New York, the Wyandots, and formerly the Winnebagoes, who, however, now reside west of the Mississippi, are the principal exceptions.

The red men who first greeted our Pilgrim Fathers on the rock-bound coast of Plymouth, and who are so vitally connected with their early history, were Algics. The people who treated with the good William Penn for the site of the present great city of Philadelphia, and who named him "me guon," meaning in the Ojibway language "a pen" or feather, were of the Algic stock.

The tribes over whom Pow-hat-tan (signifying "a dream") ruled as chief, and who are honored in the name of Po-ca-hon-tas (names so closely connected with that of Capt. John Smith, and the early Virginia colonists), belonged to this wide-spread family, whose former possessions are now covered with the towns and teeming cities of millions of happy freemen. But they--where are they? Almost forgotten even in name whole tribes have become extinct, and passed away forever--none are left but a few remnants who are lingering out a miserable existence on our far western frontiers, pressed back--moved by the so-called humane policy of our great and enlightened government--where, far away from a Christian and conscientious community, they can be made the easier victims of the unprincipled money-getter, the whiskey dealer, and the licentious dregs of civilized white men who have ever been first on our frontiers, and who are ever busy demoralizing the simple Indian, hovering around them like buzzards and crows around the remains of a deer's carcass, whom the wolves have chased, killed, gorged upon, and left.

This is a strong picture, but it is nevertheless a true one. A vast responsibility rests on the American people, for if their attention is not soon turned forcibly toward the fate of his fast disappearing red brother, and the American statesmen do not soon make a vast change for the better in their present Indian policy, our nation will make itself liable, at some future day, to hear the voice of the Great Creator demanding "Cain, where is Abel, thy brother? What hast thou done? The voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground."...

The Ojibways form one of the principal branches of the Algic stock, and they are a well-marked type, and at present the most numerous section or tribe of this grand division of the aboriginal inhabitants of North America.

Next to them in numbers and importance, rank the tribes of the O-dah-waug The Outouacs originally lived in the valley of Ottawa River, Canada, and the furs at first received by the French at Quebec and Montreal, came through them. (which name means trading people), best Duchesneau, Intendant of Canada, in one of his dispatches to France wrote: "The Outawas Indians who are divided into several tribes, and are nearest to us, are those of the greatest use, because through them we obtain beaver; and although they do not hunt generally, and have but a small portion of peltry in this country, they go in search of it to the most distant places, and exchange it for our merchandise."--N. Y. Col. Does. ix. 160.--E. D. N.  Known as (Ottaways), Po-da-waud-um-eeg (Pottawatomies) (those who keep the fire), Waub-un-uk-eeg (Delawares) (Eastern earth dwellers), Shaw-un-oag (Shawnees) (Southerners), O-saug-eeg (Saukies) (those who live at the entry), The Pouteouatami, contracted by the French traders Poux, fled from the Iroquois, and the trader Nicolet, in the fall of 1634 or winter of 1635, found them in the vicinity of Green Bay, Wisconsin. After the French settled at Detroit, a portion of the tribe followed. while another band settled at St. Joseph, Michigan, and some stragglers near the present city of Milwaukee, Wis. In 1701, Ounanguissé, the Chief of the tribe, visited Montreal. In 1804, Thomas G. Anderson traded with the Pottawatomies of Milwaukee. The tribe was represented when the treaty was made in 1787, at Fort Harmer on the Muskingum, Ohio, by Governor Arthur St. Clair. By a treaty with them in October, 1832, the land around Chicago was ceded to the United States. In 1846 the different bands agreed to remove to a reservation in Kansas. In 1883 a remnant of 100 were living in Calhoun County, Michigan, but the tribe to the number of 410 persons were in the reservation in Jackson County, Kansas, while 280 wanderers were reported in Wisconsin, and 500 citizen Pottawatomies in the Indian Territory.--E. D. N.2 The Shawnees, or Chaouanou of the French. Father Gravier in 1700 descended the Mississippi, and in the account of this voyage writes of the Chaouanoua living on a tributary of the Ohio, which comes from the south-southwest, now known as the Tennessee. They now live on a reservation west of the Missouri and south of the Kansas Rivers. In 1883 they were estimated at 720 persons.--E. D. N.3 The Sakis or Ousakis were found by the French near Green Bay, and spoke a difficult Algonquin dialect. The Jesuit Relation of 1666--7 speaks of them in these words: "As for the Ousaki, they may be called savage above all others; there are great numbers of them. but wandering in the forests without any permanent dwelling places."

The Outagomies, Renards or Foxes. driven by the Iroquois westward and settled southwest of Green Bay, and were the allies of the Sakis. They gave the name to Fox River in Wisconsin. and for years were hostile to the French. By a treaty in 1804, the Sacs and Foxes ceded to the United States lands on both sides of the Mississippi. During the war of 1812, the Chief of the Sacs and Foxes. Black Hawk assisted the British. In 1832 this Chief refused to comply with treaty stipulations and leave his village near Rock Island, Illinois, and after some hostilities delivered himself to the Winnebagoes at La Crosse, and they brought him to the United States authorities. After this in Sept. 21, 1832, the confederate tribes of Sacs and Foxes ceded all the eastern part of the State of Iowa. By a treaty of 1842, they agreed to remove to reservations on the Osage and Great Nemaha Rivers. For thirty years nearly all the Fox Tribe have lived in Tama County, Iowa, and in 1883, 368 was the estimated population. In the Indian Territory a census of mixed Sacs and Foxes was made in 1883, and 437 was the number.--E. D. N. O-dish-quag-um-eeg (Algonquins proper), (Last water people), O-mun-o-min-eeg1 (Minominies) (Wild rice people), O-dug-am-eeg2 (Foxes), (those who live on the opposite side), O-maum-eeg (Miamies or Maumies), (People who live on the peninsula).

1 The Menominies called by the French Maloumines, Maroumines, and Folles Avoines were found by the first explorers near Green Bay. In 1831 they ceded to the United States the lands between Green Bay, Lake Winnebago, and Milwaukee River. In 1848 they ceded their remaining lands in Wisconsin, and accepted a reservation above Crow Wing River in Minnesota. Upon examination they were not pleased, and gave it back, the United States giving them, from their old lands in Wisconsin, in 1854, a reservation of 432 square miles. Their number in 1883 was 1392.--E. D. N.2 See note 3 on preceding page.3 The Miamis, called by the French Oumamis, Oumamik, Miamioueck and Oumiamis, the prefix On being equivalent to the definite article in English, were composed of several bands. D'Iberville in 1701 mentions that they were 500 families in number. They belonged to the Illinois confederacy. In 1705 some of them were dwelling at St. Joseph and Detroit, Michigan. In 1751 they were on the Wabash. Selling their lands to the United States, with the exception of a few on Eel River, Indiana, the Miamis went to a reservation on the Osage River. They have dwindled down to 61 persons who live in the Indian Territory.--E. D. N.

Ke-nis-te-noag (Crees).
Omush-ke-goag (Musk-e-goes), (Swamp people).

These names are given in plural as pronounced by the Ojibways; annexed are their different significations.

The names of many lesser tribes, but who are now almost extinct, could be added to the catalogue. It has been assumed, however, that enough have been named to show the importance of the Algic family or group of tribes. It is supposed, through a similarity of language with the Ojibways, lately discovered, that the numerous and powerful tribe of the Blackfeet, occupying the north-western prairies at the eastern base of the Rocky Mountains above the head of the Missouri, also form a branch of this family.

The Ojibways term them Pe-gan-o, and know the Missouri River by the same name.

go to the conclusion of chapter 1

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21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30

White Eagle Soaring: Dream Dancer of the 7th Fire


Index of DreamCatchers However You Spell DreamCatcher

all nations dream catcher

angel dream catcher

aspiration dream catcher

bodymindspirit dream catcher

bud of the rose dream catcher

butterfly dream catcher

dolphin dreams dream catcher

dreamafterdream dream catcher

dream star dream catcher

dream within a dream dream catcher

four directions dream catcher

grandfathersun dream catcher

heartdreams dream catcher

imagine dream catcher

many dreams dream catcher

marriage dream catcher

natural freedom dream catcher

path of spirit dream catcher

pentacle dream catcher

power of the circle dream catcher

red eagle of dawn dream catcher

rolling thunder dream catcher

soaring dream catcher

spider web dream catcher

sun-moon dream catcher

sunset-sunrise dream catcher

twin flame dream catcher

all nations dreamcatchers

angel dreamcatchers

aspiration dreamcatchers

bodymindspirit dreamcatchers

bud of the rose dreamcatchers

butterfly dreamcatchers

dolphin dreams dreamcatchers

dreamafterdream dreamcatchers

dream star dreamcatchers

dream within a dream dreamcatchers

four directions dreamcatchers

grandfathersun dreamcatchers

heartdreams dreamcatchers

imagine dreamcatchers

many dreams dreamcatchers

marriage dreamcatchers

natural freedom dreamcatchers

path of spirit dreamcatchers

pentacle dreamcatchers

power of the circle dreamcatchers

red eagle of dawn dreamcatchers

rolling thunder dreamcatchers

soaring dreamcatchers

spider web dreamcatchers

sun-moon dreamcatchers

sunset-sunrise dreamcatchers

twin flame dreamcatchers

all nations dreamcatcher

angel dreamcatcher

aspiration dreamcatcher

bodymindspirit dreamcatcher

bud of the rose dreamcatcher

butterfly dreamcatcher

dolphin dreams dreamcatcher

dreamafterdream dreamcatcher

dream star dreamcatcher

dream within a dream dreamcatcher

four directions dreamcatcher

grandfathersun dreamcatcher

heartdreams dreamcatcher

imagine dreamcatcher

many dreams dreamcatcher

marriage dreamcatcher

natural freedom dreamcatcher

path of spirit dreamcatcher

pentacle dreamcatcher

power of the circle dreamcatcher

red eagle of dawn dreamcatcher

rolling thunder dreamcatcher

soaring dreamcatcher

spider web dreamcatcher

sun-moon dreamcatcher

sunset-sunrise dreamcatcher

twin flame dreamcatcher

However you've spelled Dream Catcher, these REAL Dream Catchers are natural magic from Creator Direct (Manidoog).

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Dream Catchers Art and Culture of the Seventh Fire

Dream-Catchers are wisdom-teachers. If you learn to listen, they will take YOU on a journey of wonder and revelations, too. Illusions are stripped away and new ways are revealed.  The real Dream-Catchers of the Seventh Fire are waiting for you. Come into the realm of Real Dream-Catchers.  See with eyes of spirit, listen with your heart and soar with the White Eagle.

Disclaimer: The statements on www.real-dream-catchers.com  have not been evaluated by the FDA. These dream catchers are not intended to diagnose nor treat nor cure any disease or illness. Neither are dreamcatchers, the dream catcher, nor any dreamcatcher.

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.

© 2007, Allen Aslan Heart / White Eagle Soaring of the Little Shell Pembina Band, a Treaty Tribe of the Ojibwe Nation.