History of the Ojibways - Chapter 9

History of the Ojibways from Dream Catchers of the Seventh Fire DreamCatcher Collection

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Real Dream-Catchers teach spirit wisdoms of the Seventh Fire

Real Dream-Catchers teach the wisdoms of the Seventh Fire, an Ojibwe Prophecy, that is being fulfilled at this moment. The Light-skinned Race is being shown the result of the Way of the Mind and the possibilities that reside in the Path of the Spirit. Real Dream-Catchers point the way.

Much has been written and debated about the origin of Native Americans. Scientific anthropology insists that they must have come over a land bridge or the ice during the last ice age and that they are descendants of Asiatic forbears.

Mormons claim that they are descendants of the Lost Tribe of Joseph through one of his sons, Manasseh.

There is evidence that there was traffic and trade across the Atlantic between West Africa and South America with migrations into what is now Mexico and the southeast region of the United States. Even genetic ancestors from Europe are not yet ruled out. Other esoteric claims of alien spacecraft push credulity to the limit.

Some people, especially the Hopi, believe that they arrived through a "hole" in time. "Most Native Americans reject these saying that their ancient stories say that they originated on the American continent. 


History of the Ojibways by William Warren

Indian Tribes and Termination

Ojibwe Art and Dance

Ojibwe Forestry and Resource Management

Ojibwe Homes

Ojibwe Honor Creation, the Elders and Future Generations

Ojibwe Indian Reservations and Trust Land

Ojibwe Language

Ojibwe Snowshoes and the Fur Trade

Ojibwe Sovereignty and the Casinos

Ojibwe Spirituality and Kinship

Ojibwe Tobacco and Pipes

Traditional Ojibwe Entertainment

Myth of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel - 2 - 3 - 4

Soul of the Indian: Foreword

The Great Mystery - 2
The Family Altar - 2
Ceremonial and Symbolic Worship - 2
Barbarism and the Moral Code - 2
The Unwritten Scriptures - 2

On the Borderland of Spirits - 2

Charles Alexander Eastman

Pycnogenol is a super-antioxidant sourced through Native American medicineMaritime Pine Pycnogenol  is the super-antioxidant that has been tried and tested by over 30 years of research for many acute and chronic disorders. The Ojibwe knew about it almost 500 years ago.  Didn't call it that, though. White man took credit.

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The Cash Cows of Personal Debt

I Want The Earth Plus 5% -- an allegory that's not a  fairy tale.

Collapse of the Dollar: How America Was Set Up to Take a Fall

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Willow animal effigies by Bill Ott after relics found in the Southwest Archaic CultureMuseum-quality willow animal effigies of the Southwest Archaic culture, art from a 4,000 year-old tradition by Bill Ott

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and the Silo Pruning Hooks

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A Kokopelli Wisdom Journey
On the Trail of Kokopelli
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Finding Ice Flower
The Kokopelli Poetry of AAHeart
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Teachings of the Star Elder
Ojibwe Astronomy in Pictograph
Rock Art of Native America


A post is built at Grand Portage by a company of French traders--Their inducements for its location--The French first open a communication with the tribes of the Ke-nis-te-no and Assine-boins--First communication of the northern division of the Ojibways with these allied tribes--They join the alliance--Tradition of the manner in which the Assine-boins became detached from their kindred Dakotas--They become close allies of the Ke-nis-te-no and Ojibways--A trading post is located at La Pointe--French work the copper mines on Lake Superior--Bloody tragedy enacted at this post in 1722--Which results in its evacuation.

A Few years after the great convocation of northwestern tribes, and treaty with the French nation at Sault Ste. Marie, a company of French traders proceeded up the west coast of Lake Superior, and built a trading post or "fort" (as these establishments were termed in those days), on a beautiful bay situated on the lake shore a few miles above Kah-man-a-tig-wa-yah (or Pigeon River), and known as the "Grand Portage" or Ke-che-o-ne-gum-eng, from the fact that a portage of ten miles is here made to Pigeon River, to avoid the rapids which preclude navigation even for canoes, for many stories above the entry of this "bad winding stream."

This is probably the first permanent post erected by the white man in the region of country comprised within the present limits of Minnesota Territory. It was built, as near as I can judge from the information of the Indians and old traders, upwards of one hundred and fifty years ago.

The great quantity of Beaver, existing at this period on all the streams emptying into Lake Superior, and especially throughout the country watered by Kah-man-a-tig-wa-yah and its tributaries, together with the great docility, harmless character and friendly disposition of the section of the Ojibways occupying this district, who comprise the northern division of the tribe, were without doubt., the leading causes which induced the French here to build their first "fort" in preference to any other spot on Lake Superior.

From this point, also, a vast region of unexplored country became open to their indefatigable enterprise, in a northern direction. It is by this route that they first became acquainted with the remote northern tribes, of the Ke-nis-te-no and Assineboins, with whom they soon opened a communication.

Long before this, the Ojibways of the northern division had already reached in their northward progress, the country of the Ke-nis-te-no and Assineboins, the former of whom belonged to the same stock as themselves, and though the latter were of Dakota extraction, yet finding the two tribes in close alliance and carrying on a war against the Dakotas, they entered their wigwams in peace, and joined in alliance with them.
I recollect of having read in some book that the Assineboins had been forced into an alliance by the Ke-nis-te-no who first received firearms from the British by the route of Hudson's Bay. This led me to make close inquiries on this subject, and I find that Indian tradition says differently. Esh-ke-bug-e-coshe, the present aged and respected chief of the Pillager Ojibways, lived many years in his youth among these tribes; and he gives the following account of the manner in which this singular alliance between an Algic with a Dakota tribe first happened.

"Many winters before they became aware of the presence of the white man on this great island, the Yankton division of the great Dakota tribe, resided on the borders of the great western prairies near the Red River of the North. They numbered many hundred lodges, and their warriors prevailed against the Ke-nis-te-no toward the north and west, and caused them to keep under the shade of the forests and swamps which covered their hunting grounds. At one time it happened, as it often does, that two young men quarreled about a woman, and one in the heat of passion and jealousy, took the life of the other. Both belonged to numerous and important families, and in accordance with the law of 'blood for blood,' notwithstanding his relatives wished to buy him off, the murderer was killed.

"Generally a case of this kind ends after the death of the first murderer, but in this instance, the drawer of his fellow's blood was a great warrior, and his loss being severely felt by his relatives, the person who had taken his life was in turn murdered. The matter had gone beyond the usual length, and notwithstanding the interference of the old men and chiefs, the person who drew the last blood suffered death for his act, at the hands of a relative to the person whom he had killed. The great Yankton camp became a scene of excitement, and murders occurred daily, till the weaker party consisting of a thousand lodges, left the main camp and retired by themselves, to pursue their hunt for meat to feed their women and children.

"The feud did not end here, but continued with greater fury; the larger camp even sending war parties to attack the straggling hunters of their former brethren. Scalps were also taken, and this is equal in Indian custom to a declaration of open and exterminating war. The smaller camp, therefore, to prevent their total eventual destruction at the hands of the more numerous Yanktons, moved towards the country of Ke-nis-te-no, with whom they had always waged a never-ending warfare; and preferring to trust themselves to their generosity rather than to the vindictive hatred of their own kindred, they collected the women and children whom in former years they had captured from them, and adopted in their families. These they placed on horses, and loaded with presents, they were sent to the great Ke-nis-te-no town on Dead River (Ne-bo-se-be), with the peace pipe of the seceding Dakotas, requesting to be received 'in their lodges' and protected from the 'fire that raged in their rear, on the western prairies.'

"The manly and compassionate Ke-nis-te-no sent forty of their warriors to receive them into their country, and escort them into their village. A grand council was held, where the Assineboins told their grievances, asked for protection, and promised to fight by the side of the Ke-nis-re-no against the Yanktons forever.

"Their words were listened to with deep attention and pity, and they were accepted as allies and brothers. The peace pipe was smoked, 'their council fire was made one,' and they 'ate out of the same dish' and reposed thereafter under the 'shade of the same forests and swamps' till their united prowess eventually drove the Dakotas from the northern plains, and the Ke-nis-te-no and Assineboins could then go out occasionally to 'bask in the sun on the prairies, and taste the meat of the buffalo.' Shortly after this first alliance, the Ojibway made his appearance among them, and he too became a party to the mutual compact which has been kept unbroken to this day"

We will now return to the regular course of our narrative, from which we have digressed in relating the above tradition.

Soon after the location of the trading post at Grand Portage, the same company of traders built a "fort" on the island of La Pointe, at the mouth of a small creek or pond midway between the present location of the "American Fur Company's" establishment, and the mission house of the "American Board of Foreign Missions." Strong palisades of cedar are said to have been planted around this post, and a cannon mounted for its defense. The Ojibways who had resided on this island, and who occupied the surrounding shores of the take, now traded at this establishment, and they learned to pitch their lodges once more on the spot, which they had on a previous occasion so suddenly evacuated.

Many, it is true, had been drawn back to Sault Ste. Marie, Mackinaw, and even further east, to visit the spots which the feet of their ancestors had once trodden, and on which they had left their bones to molder and decay. Yet those that remained still formed a formidable body numbering many hundreds of warriors and hunters, and their trade for many years made the post located on the island of their ancient town, a most important and lucrative one.

At this time it is said that the French worked the copper mines on Lake Superior extensively, and doubtless many, if not all of the signs which are at the present day being discovered by the American miners, are the remains of the former works of these old French pioneers. When the British subsequently conquered this section of country in 1763, the Indians state that the French miners carefully covered the mines, which they had been working, so that their conquerors might not have the advantage of their discoveries.

The first old French "Fort" at La Pointe was not maintained many years before a bloody murder was enacted within its walls, which resulted in its final dismantling and evacuation. The clerk or trader in charge was named Joseph. He passed his last winter there with his wife, two children, and with but one Canadian "Coureurs du Bois." This man, it appears from his after confession, had conceived an unlawful passion for his master's wife, and he took occasion one morning when the unsuspecting Joseph had gone to shoot ducks in an adjacent pond, to press his suit to the wife, who, however, threatened to inform her husband of his treachery. On this the wretch attempted to force her to his wishes, but she, seizing an Indian spear which happened to stand in a corner of the room where this scene was being enacted, defended herself in such a manner and jeopardized his life to such a degree, that he was forced in self-defense to take her life.

conclude chapter 9

1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10
 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17
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21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30

White Eagle Soaring: Dream Dancer of the 7th Fire


Index of DreamCatchers However You Spell DreamCatcher

all nations dream catcher

angel dream catcher

aspiration dream catcher

bodymindspirit dream catcher

bud of the rose dream catcher

butterfly dream catcher

dolphin dreams dream catcher

dreamafterdream dream catcher

dream star dream catcher

dream within a dream dream catcher

four directions dream catcher

grandfathersun dream catcher

heartdreams dream catcher

imagine dream catcher

many dreams dream catcher

marriage dream catcher

natural freedom dream catcher

path of spirit dream catcher

pentacle dream catcher

power of the circle dream catcher

red eagle of dawn dream catcher

rolling thunder dream catcher

soaring dream catcher

spider web dream catcher

sun-moon dream catcher

sunset-sunrise dream catcher

twin flame dream catcher

all nations dreamcatchers

angel dreamcatchers

aspiration dreamcatchers

bodymindspirit dreamcatchers

bud of the rose dreamcatchers

butterfly dreamcatchers

dolphin dreams dreamcatchers

dreamafterdream dreamcatchers

dream star dreamcatchers

dream within a dream dreamcatchers

four directions dreamcatchers

grandfathersun dreamcatchers

heartdreams dreamcatchers

imagine dreamcatchers

many dreams dreamcatchers

marriage dreamcatchers

natural freedom dreamcatchers

path of spirit dreamcatchers

pentacle dreamcatchers

power of the circle dreamcatchers

red eagle of dawn dreamcatchers

rolling thunder dreamcatchers

soaring dreamcatchers

spider web dreamcatchers

sun-moon dreamcatchers

sunset-sunrise dreamcatchers

twin flame dreamcatchers

all nations dreamcatcher

angel dreamcatcher

aspiration dreamcatcher

bodymindspirit dreamcatcher

bud of the rose dreamcatcher

butterfly dreamcatcher

dolphin dreams dreamcatcher

dreamafterdream dreamcatcher

dream star dreamcatcher

dream within a dream dreamcatcher

four directions dreamcatcher

grandfathersun dreamcatcher

heartdreams dreamcatcher

imagine dreamcatcher

many dreams dreamcatcher

marriage dreamcatcher

natural freedom dreamcatcher

path of spirit dreamcatcher

pentacle dreamcatcher

power of the circle dreamcatcher

red eagle of dawn dreamcatcher

rolling thunder dreamcatcher

soaring dreamcatcher

spider web dreamcatcher

sun-moon dreamcatcher

sunset-sunrise dreamcatcher

twin flame dreamcatcher

However you've spelled Dream Catcher, these REAL Dream Catchers are natural magic from Creator Direct (Manidoog).

See Real Dream Catchers' links

This is a crazy world. What can be done? Amazingly, we have been mislead. We have been taught that we can control government by voting. The founder of the Rothschild dynasty, Mayer Amschel Bauer, told the secret of controlling the government of a nation over 200 years ago. He said, "Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation and I care not who makes its laws." Get the picture? Your freedom hinges first on the nation's banks and money system. That's why we advocate using the Liberty Dollar, to understand the monetary and banking system. Freedom is connected with Debt Elimination for each individual. Not only does this end personal debt, it places the people first in line as creditors to the National Debt ahead of the banks. They don't wish for you to know this. It has to do with recognizing WHO you really are in A New Beginning: A Practical Course in Miracles. You CAN take back your power and stop volunteering to pay taxes to the collection agency for the BEAST. You can take back that which is yours, always has been yours and use it to pay off your debts. And you can send others to these pages to discover what you are discovering.

Dream Catchers Art and Culture of the Seventh Fire

Dream-Catchers are wisdom-teachers. If you learn to listen, they will take YOU on a journey of wonder and revelations, too. Illusions are stripped away and new ways are revealed.  The real Dream-Catchers of the Seventh Fire are waiting for you. Come into the realm of Real Dream-Catchers.  See with eyes of spirit, listen with your heart and soar with the White Eagle.

Disclaimer: The statements on www.real-dream-catchers.com  have not been evaluated by the FDA. These dream catchers are not intended to diagnose nor treat nor cure any disease or illness. Neither are dreamcatchers, the dream catcher, nor any dreamcatcher.

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.

© 2007, Allen Aslan Heart / White Eagle Soaring of the Little Shell Pembina Band, a Treaty Tribe of the Ojibwe Nation.