Native News of the Seventh Fire

Dream-Catchers of the Seventh Fire Dream Catcher Heritage Collection 

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Dream-Catchers teach spirit wisdoms of the Seventh Fire

Dream-Catchers teach the wisdoms of the Seventh Fire, an Ojibwe Prophecy, that is being fulfilled at this moment. The Light-skinned Race is being shown the result of the Way of the Mind and the possibilities that reside in the Path of the Spirit. Real Dream-Catchers point the way.

The Seventh Fire Native News

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Origins of Violence - 2

Christopher Columbus, Marrano and Mariner recounts the story of that explorer who thought he discovered a New World when there were people already living there. He didn't see any problem killing them and taking them as slaves. It was just his way and the way of his people. Children are still taught that Columbus discovered America.

The Native American Discovery of Europe before Columbus by Jack D. Forbes outlines some of his discoveries in history as published in his latest book, American Discovery of Europe. It's interesting that Native Americans didn't just claim that they had discovered Europe and claim it as their own. They also didn't conceive of mass murder of the inhabitants of the lands that they discovered, nor did they imagine to take them as slaves back to their homelands.

Recognizing a Native American Holocaust

Before Columbus

Pestilence and Genocide

Sex, Race and Holy War

Examining the Reputation of
Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus Jewish and New Christian Elements

Christopher Columbus and the Indians

Columbus My Enemy

Columbus exposed as iron-fisted tyrant who tortured his slaves

Columbus Day -The white man’s myth and the Redman's Holocaust

Excerpt from The Destruction of the Indies by Las Casas

How Lincoln's Army 'Liberated' the Indians

Lincoln Targeting Civilians Is a War Crime

Massacre at Sand Creek

Wounded Knee Hearing Testimony

An Ojibwe Trail of Tears

Wisconsin Trail of Tears

Canadian Genocide of Indian Children by Church and State - 2 - 3

Canadian Prime Minister Harper Apologizes for Residential School Abuse

Massacre at Sand Creek

Wounded Knee Hearing Testimony

An Ojibwe Trail of Tears

Wisconsin Trail of Tears

Winter Count: History Seen from a Native American Tradition - 2 - 3

The Story of the Opposition on the Road to Extinction: Protest Camp in Minneapolis

Who Deems What Is Sacred?

Savage Police Brutality vs Nonviolence of the People

Mendota Sacred Sites - Affidavit of Larry Cloud-Morgan

Cloud-Morgan, Catholic activist, buried with his peace pipe

Larry Cloud-Morgan
and the Silo Pruning Hooks

Larry Cloud-Morgan:
Testimonies to a Great Soul

Accelerated Mortgage Pay-off can help you own your home in half to one third the time and save many thousands of dollars.

See the Angelic Art of Arthur Douet

Pycnogenol, the super-antioxidant from Native American medicineMaritime Pine Pycnogenol  is the super-antioxidant that has been tried and tested by over 30 years of research for many acute and chronic disorders. The Ojibwe knew about it almost 500 years ago.  Didn't call it that, though. White man took credit.

Plant by Nature is Organic Gardening Nature's Way

Seroctin--the natural serotonin enhancer to reduce  stress and depression, and  enjoy better sleep.

Ojibwe Encampment on the Winnipeg River by Paul Kane

Interpreting the Ojibwe Pictographs of North Hegman Lake, MN

Indian Tribes and Termination

Ojibwe Art and Dance

Ojibwe Forestry and Resource Management

Ojibwe Homes

Ojibwe Honor Creation, the Elders and Future Generations

Ojibwe Indian Reservations and Trust Land

Ojibwe Language

Ojibwe Snowshoes and the Fur Trade

Ojibwe Sovereignty and the Casinos

Ojibwe Spirituality and Kinship

Ojibwe Tobacco and Pipes

Traditional Ojibwe Entertainment

Myth of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel - 2 - 3 - 4

Soul of the Indian: Foreword

The Great Mystery - 2
The Family Altar - 2
Ceremonial and Symbolic Worship - 2
Barbarism and the Moral Code - 2
The Unwritten Scriptures - 2

On the Borderland of Spirits - 2

Charles Alexander Eastman

Listen to
American Indian Radio
while you surf 

Willow animal effigies by Bill Ott after relics found in the Southwest Archaic CultureMuseum-quality willow animal effigies  of the Southwest Archaic culture, art from a 4,000 year-old tradition by Bill Ott

Unique Cherokee Dream-Catcher from basket-weavers' numerology by Catherine Sundval

Photo Gallery

Traditional Life of the Ojibwe Aurora Village Yellowknife
The Making of a Man
Little Dancer in the Circle

Friends in the Circle
Grass Dancer
Shawl Dancers
Jingle Dress Dancers

Fancy Shawl Dancer
Men Traditional Dancers
Powwow: The Good Red Road

Crater Lake Photo Gallery
Crater Lake Landscape

Flowers of Crater Lake
Birds & Animals of Crater Lake
Gold Mantled Ground Squirrel
The Rogue River

Sacred Fire of the Modoc
Harris Beach Brookings Oregon

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ONE GREAT DAY is diversified, ever evolving four piece based in Minneapolis. We have humbly embraced the idea that music is bigger than us all. Our style varies from acoustic pop to electric funk blues. If it feels good then we'll play it. This is our identity. Just listen to our music and enjoy it as it is.  God Bless all!!! ONE GREAT DAY !!

Native News of the Seventh Fire

Elder's Meditation of the Day - October 31

"One is not born a Tewa but rather one is made a Tewa... once made, one has to work hard continuously throughout one's life to remain a Tewa." --Alfonso Ortiz, SAN JUAN PUEBLO

Grandmothers march to raise treaty awareness

11th Inter-tribal Powwow festive 2-days

NCC Powwow Opens with Commemorarion Walk

Obama: A full partnership with Indian country

Decision on lawyer in Indian land case goes to final bell

Charles Trimble: Pawnee Nation reburies ancestors

Tribal enrollment a touchy issue

The Australian: Sacred soil on the Navajo Nation

Children started fire that killed two Native boys

Pala Band wins treatment as state from EPA

Ex-Rosebud officer charged with sexual abuse

Elder's Meditation of the Day - October 30

"My children, you have forgotten the customs and traditions of your forefathers. ...You have bought guns, knives, kettles, and blankets from the white man until you can no longer do without them; and what is worse you have drunk the poison firewater, which turns you into fools. Fling all these things away; live as your forefathers did before you."
--Pontiac, ODOWA

Patterson to tribes: Adopt an Indian definition of ‘self-determination’

Black Mesa project controversy rises

Sen. Dorgan: Good news and bad news for tribes

Puyallup Tribe holds rally for Gov. Gregoire

Two children killed in fire on Manitoba reserve

Manslaughter charge for death of Pechanga leader

Crow court dismisses charges against Indian sheriff

Judge saves Mille Lacs man from banishment

Prairie Island Tribe seeks hearing on nuclear site

Meeting held on residential school commission

Salt River Tribe spends $400M on casino resort

Elder's Meditation of the Day - October 29

"Mothers must protect the lives they have helped to bring into the world." --Haida Gwaii, Traditional Circle of Elders

Arrest of suspect in Native abuse cases

Soboba Band receives lead reduction grant

Inter-American Commission hears Native case

Forest County Potawatomi Tribe shares revenues

Oglala Sioux Tribe holds presidential debate

Samish Nation seeks trust status for land

City reaps benefits of Lytton Band casino

Elder's Meditation of the Day - October 28

Elder's Meditation of the Day - October 28 "Our religion seems foolish to you, but so does yours to me. The Baptists and Methodists and Presbyterians and the Catholics all have a different God. Why cannot we have one of our own?"

Indigenous Peoples Caucus meets in Geneva

Tribe passes resolution to ban abortion

Fight over land-into-trust hearing continues

Police investigate Crow chairman's accident

California tribes address domestic violence

Eleven indicted in St. Croix crack cocaine ring

Elder's Meditation of the Day - October 27

"O Great Spirit Whose voice I hear in the winds, And whose breath gives life to all the world, hear me! I am small and weak. I need your strength and wisdom. Let me walk in beauty and make my eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset."

Jodi Rave: Chippewa Cree election in tribal court

In his complaint, Blatt alleges the election board failed to uphold several
tribal ordinances, including a list of complaints ranging from candidate
eligibility and balloting procedures to absentee voting and denying candidates
the right to appoint poll watchers.

Tony Hillerman, award-winning author, dies at 83

Born in Oklahoma in 1925, attended Indian boarding school where he served as a farm hand, joined the U.S. Army, awarded Silver Star, Bronze Star with Oak Leaf Cluster, and Purple Heart during World War II. After a career in journalism in New Mexico, Hillerman published his first novel, The Blessing Way, in 1970, and went on to write a series of award-winning books.

Elder's Meditation of the Day - October 26

"It seems that if Elders can feel that you are open to learning, they are more than generous with their teaching." --Chief Councilor, Lenard George

Tribal pride at Poarch Creek

Native Americans were masters of living in harmony with their environment for countless centuries before modern America was born. And in people like Gayle Thrower, of the Poarch Band of Creek Indians, their skills live on to be passed down to future generations.

Sacred objects to be returned to local tribes

Hundreds of items, including some ancient human remains considered sacred by American Indian people, are waiting to be recovered...

South Dakota loses Native cigarette case

A Native-owned company in Canada is not subject to South Dakota laws, the
state Supreme Court ruled on Thursday. Grand River Enterprises Six Nations makes cigarettes on the Six Nations Reserve in Ontario.

Writers guild taps Indian talent in Hollywood

The Writers Guild of America West has created a American Indian Writers Caucus to develop Indian talent in Hollywood.

Elder's Meditation of the Day - October 24

We create that bad among ourselves. We create it; then we try to call it devil, Satan, or evil. But man creates it. There is no devil. Man creates the devil."
--Wallace Black Elk, LAKOTA

Oneida Nation to debut float at Macy's Thanksgiving parade

Scowling Indian mascot deemed offensive

Carpinteria High School's scowling warrior mascot is apparently doomed. The school district's 15-member Native American Imagery Committee decided Thursday that the school board should get rid of the warrior face on letterman jacket patches and football helmets because they could be offensive.

Snowbowl case might reach Supreme Court

For more information about the San Francisco Peaks Snowbowl issue, please visit both of the following websites at www.savethepeaks. org and www.stopsnowbowl. com.

Also, please help support the cause and sign their online letter campaign "Urge the Flagstaff City Council, owners of Snowbowl, USDA Forest Service, and others to protect the natural beauty of the San Francisco Peaks" at http://stopsnowbowl .com/index. php. Then forward this to all your lists and contacts!

This case will set a precedence throughout Indian Country, for protection of sacred sites cases. We need to help get this info spread far and wide!

Menifee students get a feel for Native American history

Students at Menifee's Bell Mountain Middle School got a taste of freshly cracked pine nuts, a feel for buckskin and a look at pottery shards during an interactive lesson on Native American culture and history Wednesday afternoon.

Elder's Meditation of the Day - October 22

"Growth is a painful process." --Wilma Mankiller, CHEROKEE

Discoveries As a Cultural Perspective

Tribe, BIA and Anschutz begin oil exploration near East Glacier Park

North Dakota tribe seeks faster oil lease approval

Ottawa Tribe reaches free tuition agreement

Lakota artist performs this week

Kevin Locke, a Lakota performing artist, will present "The Hoop of Life"

Census director signs policy for coordinating with Native Americans

The head of the U.S. Census Bureau and Native American leaders formalized a deal Monday under which the bureau and tribes will work together to make sure

Elder's Meditation of the Day - October 21

"There is one God looking down on us all. We are children of the one God. God is listening to me. The sun, the darkness, the winds are all listening to what we now say." --Geronimo, APACHE

Story: Survival Has Its Cost
With much effort Mrs. Godley got out of the old Ford and walked into the laundromat, leaning on her grandson’s arm, sighing with every...

Project Nur Announces 'A Native American History Symposium, Eras
Obama courts Native American vote in typically red states

Yavapai-Prescott elders sues tribe over building

Elder's Meditation of the Day - October 20
 "As Elders, it is our place to show respect to our young people in order to gain respect." --Grace Azak, NISGA'A..

Elder's Meditation of the Day - October 19

"The teachings are for all, not just for Indians... The white people never wanted to learn before. They thought we were savages. Now they have a different understanding, and they do want to learn. We are all children of God. The tradition is open to anyone who wants to learn." --Don Jose Matusuwa, HUICHOL
Northern Arapaho Tribe seeks to keep language alive

Watch this video! OPP using strongarm tactics on Algonquin people standing up for their rights
Yellow Bird: Feeling helpless about the economy

Kevin Abourezk: Sen. Obama's Indian health plan

BillBoard: Buffalos & BigDog Creature

White Eagle Soaring: Dream Dancer of the 7th Fire


American Gold and Silver Currency is Back. Click here for the Liberty Dollar at a Discount.

See Real Dream Catchers' links

This is a crazy world. What can be done? Amazingly, we have been mislead. We have been taught that we can control government by voting. The founder of the Rothschild dynasty, Mayer Amschel Bauer, told the secret of controlling the government of a nation over 200 years ago. He said, "Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation and I care not who makes its laws." Get the picture? Your freedom hinges first on the nation's banks and money system. That's why we advocate using the Liberty Dollar, to understand the monetary and banking system. Freedom is connected with Debt Elimination for each individual. Not only does this end personal debt, it places the people first in line as creditors to the National Debt ahead of the banks. They don't wish for you to know this. It has to do with recognizing WHO you really are in A New Beginning: A Practical Course in Miracles. You CAN take back your power and stop volunteering to pay taxes to the collection agency for the BEAST. You can take back that which is yours, always has been yours and use it to pay off your debts. And you can send others to these pages to discover what you are discovering.

Disclaimer: The statements on  have not been evaluated by the FDA. These dream catchers are not intended to diagnose nor treat nor cure any disease or illness

© 2007, Allen Aslan Heart / White Eagle Soaring of the Little Shell Pembina Band, a Treaty Tribe of the Ojibwe Nation