God the Father...Literally |
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God the Father...Literally God, the Father is a name some people use for our Creator, the one who brought us into being and breathed the breath of life into our bodies. We are taught to worship this God in our homes and churches. We pray to this Creator God and desire to ascend to his home in the heavens, perhaps when we die. Some people hope to ascend to their home in the heavens before that happens. From the fragments that are known of the ancient writings, Zechariah Sitchin has assembled the Lost Book of Enki: Here Enki speaks to an assembly of the Annunaki gathered to solve problems with low productivity in the mining of the gold of in the region of Eridu (Earth) called the Abzu (southeastern Africa):
We were made in the image of the Annunaki, genetically engineered to specifications. Many formulas were tried but the creatures failed to meet specifications until the insemination was done in a clay dish instead of glass. Nevertheless, the creature could not speak. Finally, Enki suggested that the fertilized ovum should be carried in an Annunaki womb. Ninmah, half sister of Enki and Enlil, chief medical officer of the Annunaki, agreed to be the birthing mother of the experiment. Ninmah was our Birth Mother, the original Earth Mother. The baby boy was named Adamu, "One Who Like Earth's Clay Is", because of the color of his skin. Adamu suckled at the breast of Annunaki royalty. Then the wife of Enki bore the female counterpart, Ninki, who named the first human female, Ti-Amat, "The Mother of Life."
Now with Adamu and Ti-Amat in the E.Din, they were taught procreation and provided a walled garden in which to explore their possibilities. But no conception occurred. Adamu and Ti-Amat were taken to the House of Healing where they anesthetized with Enki and his half-sister Ninmah. An essence was taken from the rib of Enki and placed into the rib of Adamu. Similarly, an essence was taken from the rib of Ninmah and placed into a rib of Ti-Amat. Thus the 22 paired filaments of the "Tree of Life" were augmented to achieve perfection. Adamu and Ti-Amat were released to roam freely in the orchards of E.Din. Some are encouraged or required to read about the Creator and our Creation in a Book that has survived ancient times with a bit of editing. In the first three centuries of the Christian Church the word was spread by street preachers (presbyters) who spread the Word on street corners and anywhere they might be heard. They jostled and contended for an audience, often against each other. In 325 AD the Emperor Constantine brought the street preachers together in the Council of Nicaea to codify their preaching into a uniform state religion. They fought, argued, debated. Miriam of the House of Herod had birthed twin sons by the son of Caesar, Tiberius Panthera, who was therefore considered to be the "Son of God". They were called Judas Krestus and Rabbi Y'eshua. The street preacher, Arius, had drawn his preaching to the contemporary evidence documenting the stories that showed that the "Heavenly Twins" were quite human, possessed free will and therefore were capable of virtue or vice. He was shouted down and his manuscripts burned in the center of the hall. Nicholas got so upset at the arguments of Presbyter Arius that he punched Arius in the jaw. Arius was later found dead, poisoned. The council was so violent and unruly that Constantine had to bring in his army to maintain order. 1730 of the original 2048 invited by Emperor Constantine were sent home to allow the council to proceed. After a long, bitter debate, Emperor Constantine demanded a poll of the 318 remaining presbyters. On a vote of 161-157 the stories of the “Heavenly Twins” were melded into one person, Jesus Christ, and "He" was declared the "Son of God." The doctrine of the Celtic Druidic church of the West (Britain) was thereby merged with the stories of the street theater orators of the East. The presbyter of Rome, Eusebius was given the scrolls of all the presbyters and assigned the task of rewriting them as a composite. On completion of this task, all the original documents were destroyed and the edited version provided to each presbyter on a fine leather scroll. A little over two centuries later, the 5th Ecumenical Council, called by Emperor Justinian denounced the doctrines of the Rabbi Y'eshua but kept his story. This, the Second Council of Nicaea, in 785 denounced the first council as "a synod of fools." Nevertheless the early “Church fathers” were all canonized, even the pugnacious Nicholas who had arrived in a smelly dog hide coat bearing gifts with which to bribe his fellow presbyters to accept his stories. He became Saint Nicholas and was later dressed in a stunning red coat with white trimmings, made to seem quite affable and jovial, with a fanfare that subliminally warns, "You better watch out, you better not cry, better not pout, I'm tellin' you why....."
Scholars and theologians alike now recognize that the biblical tales of Creation, of Adam and Eve, the Garden of Eden, the Deluge, the Tower of Babel, were based on texts written down millennia earlier in Mesopotamia, especially by the Sumerians. And they in turn obtained their knowledge of past events—many from a time before civilization began, even before Mankind came to be—from the writings of the Annunaki (“Those Who from Heaven to Earth Came”) –the “gods” of antiquity. As a result of a century and a half of archaeological discoveries in the ruins of the ancient civilizations, especially in the Near East, a great number of such early texts have been found; the finds have also revealed the extent of missing texts—so-called lost books—which are either mentioned in discovered texts or are inferred from such texts, or that are known to have existed because they are cataloged in royal or temple libraries. From a story on papyrus written in the time of the Pharaoh Cheops, telling about the Book of the Secrets of Thoth, we learn of that book’s existence. In the biblical stories we are told of two books, The Book of the Wars of Yahweh and the Book of Jasher. The “Toledoth” of Adam at the beginning of chapter 5 of Genesis is a historical / genealogical record. Chapter 6 begins, “these are the Toledoth of Noah”. Fragments of the Book of Adam and Eve have survived in Armenian, Slavonic, Syriac and Ethiopian languages. Biblical scholars consider some parts of the existing Book of Enoch are fragments of an earlier Book of Noah. After the great library of Ptolemy I was burned at Alexandria, Ptolemy II commissioned an Egyptian priest to compile a history and prehistory of Egypt. Called Manetho by the Greeks, he wrote that at first only gods reigned there, then demigods, then about 5,000 years ago the dynasties of the Pharaohs began. At about the same time a priest of the Babylonian god Marduk was commissioned to record the history of the beginning. Berossus had access to libraries of clay tablets, including the core library that has been discovered in southeastern Turkey, the Temple Library of Harran. He wrote in three volumes a history of the gods and men starting from “432,000 years before the Deluge when the gods came to Earth from the heavens.” Manetho and Berossus both told of the gods of heaven coming to Earth. Berossus mentioned the existence of writings from before the Deluge that were hidden for safekeeping in an ancient city of Sippar, southeast of Baghdad, one of the original cities established by the ancient gods. In the Great Flood, this city was obliterated but the existence of these ancient writings was mentioned in the annals of Ashurbanipal, an Assyrian king. When Nineveh was found, they discovered, in the ruins of his palace, over 25,000 inscribed clay tablets. Ashurbanipal wrote, “The gods of scribes has bestowed on me the gift of the knowledge of his art; I have been initiated into the secrets of writing; I can even read the intricate tablets in Shumerian; I understand the enigmatic words in the stone carvings from the days before the Flood.” Now it is becoming clear that the Sumerian civilization came to its peak a thousand years before the Pharaoh dynasties of Egypt. And they were the first to write down the annals and stories of the gods and men. Other people, including the Hebrews, later adopted these stories as their own. Hints and mentions of these stories can be found in the book of Genesis and elsewhere in the Bible. Sitchin writes in his introduction to the Lost Book of Enki: Sumerian and Akkadian clay tablets, Babylonian and Assyrian temple libraries, Egyptian, Hittite, and Canaanite myths; and the biblical narratives are the main body of written-down memories of the affairs of gods and men. For the first time ever, this dispersed and fragmented material has been assembled and used by Zechariah Sitchin recreate the eyewitness account of Enki—the autobiographical memoirs and insightful prophecies of an extra-terrestrial god. There is a memory behind the mundane thoughts and miscellaneous cataloging of daily events and lifetimes. It whispers to us when we allow ourselves to quiet the chatter of the mind. There is a basis for wishing to be a STAR. There is foundation for the saying of Jesus, “The kingdom of god is within you.” There is a deeper meaning and truth in the search for “ENLIGHTENMENT” . There is a reality in the belief in ASCENSION. There is a POWERFUL TRUTH in our fascination with HEAVEN and HEAVENS. There is more than mere comfort in the thought of going HOME. Home is where the HEART is…. Heaven is my HOME… You can be a STAR… Let your LIGHT so shine before men… Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine…
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In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.© 2007, Allen Aslan Heart / White Eagle Soaring of the Little Shell Pembina Band, a Treaty Tribe of the Ojibwe Nation |