Angel Dream-Catchers of the Seventh Fire
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Perhaps an Angel
dream-catcher card?

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Traditional Life of the Ojibwe
Aurora Village Yellowknife
The Making of a Man
Little Dancer in the Circle
Friends in the Circle
Grass Dancer
Shawl Dancers
Jingle Dress Dancers
Fancy Shawl Dancer
Men Traditional Dancers
The Good Red Road
Crater Lake Photo Gallery
Crater Lake Landscape
Flowers of Crater Lake
Birds & Animals of Crater Lake
Gold Mantled Ground Squirrel
The Rogue River
Sacred Fire of the Modoc
Harris Beach Brookings Oregon
willow animal effigies
of the Southwest
Archaic culture, art from a 4,000 year-old tradition by Bill Ott
Indian Tribes and Termination
Ojibwe Art and Dance
Ojibwe Forestry and Resource Management
Ojibwe Homes
Ojibwe Honor Creation, the Elders and
Future Generations
Ojibwe Indian Reservations and Trust Land
Ojibwe Language
Introduction to Ojibwe Language
Introduction to Ojibwe Noun and Pronoun Grammar
Introduction to Ojibwe Numbers
and Money
Introduction to Ojibwe Verbs
and Preverbs
Introduction to Ojibwe
Verb Grammar
Introduction to Ojibwe Command and Question Grammar
FREELANG OJIBWE DICTIONARY - free downloadable Ojibwe-English &
English-Ojibwe dictionary form
Ojibwe Snowshoes and the Fur Trade
Ojibwe Sovereignty and the Casinos
Ojibwe Spirituality and Kinship
Tracing the Path of Violence: The Boarding
School Experience
Ojibwe Tobacco and
Traditional Ojibwe Entertainment
Soul of the Indian:
The Great Mystery -
The Family Altar -
Ceremonial and Symbolic Worship
Barbarism and the Moral Code
The Unwritten Scriptures
On the Borderland of Spirits
Charles Alexander Eastman
Listen to
American Indian Radio
while you surf
Art of Arthur

Unique Cherokee Dream-Catcher
from basket-weavers' numerology by Catherine
Origins of Violence
Recognizing a Native American Holocaust
Before Columbus
Pestilence and Genocide
Sex, Race and Holy War
The Native American Discovery of Europe before
Examining the Reputation of
Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus, Marrano and Mariner
Christopher Columbus Jewish and New Christian
Christopher Columbus and the Indians
Columbus My
Columbus exposed as iron-fisted tyrant who
tortured his slaves
Columbus Day -The white man’s myth and the Redman's
Excerpt from The Destruction of the Indies
by Las Casas
Massacre at Sand Creek
Wounded Knee Hearing Testimony
How Lincoln's Army 'Liberated' the Indians
Lincoln Targeting Civilians Is a War Crime
An Ojibwe Trail of Tears
The Wallum Olum: a Pictographic History of
the Lenni Lenape, Root Tribe from which the Ojibwe arose
A Migration Legend of the Delaware Tribe
Wallum Olum: The Deluge
Part II
Winter Count: History Seen from a Native
American Tradition -
2 -
Ojibwe Creation Story
Paleo-American Origins
The Story of the Opposition on the Road to
Extinction: Protest Camp in Minneapolis
Ojibwe Fishing Rights Restored in
Wisconsin Following Court Victories
Ojibwe Fishing Rights in Minnesota
Nick Hockings Spears Fish
to Remember and Honor the Old Ways
Fish and Wildlife Students Visit an Ojibwe
Wildlife Management Facility at Lac du Flambeau
To Spear or Not to Spear Is NOT the
Wisconsin Trail of Tears
Poverty and Despair: The Failed Policies & Human
Rights Violations directed against Native Americans
Who Deems What Is Sacred?
Savage Police
Brutality vs Nonviolence of the People
Mendota Sacred Sites - Affidavit of Larry
Cloud-Morgan, Catholic activist, buried
with his peace pipe
Larry Cloud-Morgan
and the Silo Pruning Hooks
Larry Cloud-Morgan:
Testimonies to a Great Soul
Canadian Genocide of Indian Children by Church and
2 -
Canadian Prime Minister Harper Apologizes for
Residential School Abuse
The Stories
Dream Catchers
Weave: Chapter
22 Angel DreamCatchers
In thinking about angels one day I saw that I could use a gold ring
to create a halo with the spider web weave, then insert another
smaller gold ring woven in the mid-point weave to represent the head
of the angel. In the center of the angel's head I added a freshwater
pearl to represent purity of thought. Suspended from the center I
placed a rose quartz bead for the heart of compassion. Above and
below the rose quartz, I placed amethyst to signify spiritual
connection to all things. White feathers created a pure white gown.
Two green stones represented the hands of blessing, and at the lowest
point a red garnet to represent sexuality and vitality. I've often
thought of angels as sexless and passive. The Star Elder has told us
that emotional intensity is the special gift contributed to humans by
the Children of the Feather. Emotional intensity is necessary to
receive and focus the power of love.
Angel Dream-Catchers
honor your Spirit Keepers as they guard and guide you in your journey
through the Earth experience. Gift your angels as they bless you.
Unfold the angel that is within you that you may be a blessing to All
That Is. The pearl in the center represents purity of thought, true
wisdom. Rose quartz is the heart of compassion. Amethyst above and
below the rose quartz shows the spiritual connection to Father Sky and
Mother Earth. Garnet is the red stone lowest among the feathers,
which acknowledges that the capacity for deep, intense feeling is a
gift of the Angels to the Children of the Feather. Intense, focused
feelings of love and compassion are recursive waveforms that add AND
multiply their energies. Malachite, the green stone, represents
health, prosperity, and abundance. To Dance the Spiral and Sing the
Songs of the Web of Life is the Dream of the Angels.
Believe that you can "fly."
You Are an Angel in Disguise: A Star in Embryo
by Allen Aslan Heart / White
Eagle Soaring
It is said that years ago the Star Elder came to the Native people of
the Southwest and taught some of their children of the beginning of
the human race. He told them that the beings called "the children of
the feather," usually called angels, had contributed to our creation
and that we humans therefore bear within us the mark of the angels.
Our natural heritage hidden deep within our being is the power of
passion and compassion, the wisdom of gentleness and love. This power
and wisdom can only be found within. No one can take you there and yet
no one can take it away. There is no journey nor will pilgrimage find
it. It awaits your discovery. Your natural heritage is to literally,
be a star. You are a star in embryo. Your steady, gentle, loving light
will shine forth to all. This is the song of the angels.
Like many people I've seen angels. Angels have taught me many lessons
and brought me gifts of love and light. In quiet moments they've
spoken without words and sung without sound. I've thought a lot about
angels. For many years I had thought of angels as THEM, superior to
who I AM - a category of existence separate from me, above me, beyond
me. Then one day in 1991 I heard the sissagwaad, the soft wind
of spirit that whispers in the heart. It was the nucleus of a poem
about angels. Immediately, I sat down and scribbled as fast as I
could, as though I were a secretary taking dictation. Then I went to
my computer and in half an hour this was what appeared:
of the Light
There was only light
and radiant waves of love.
We were the Light.
We were Love.
and we were One.
We were a magnificent,
loving Sun
sending forth Our Light to All
so the Universe would know
Eternal Truth
held by the Wisdom of Love,
the Love that I AM
the Love that We Are,
Light from a glowing, loving Star.
The Power of our Love
blazed intense and bright.
Our Star could no more contain
the Love and Light,
and We were Many.
We were magnificent,
loving Angels
carrying forth to All, Our Star
so the Universe would know
Eternal Wisdom
embraced by the Truth of Love,
the Love that I AM,
the Love that We Are,
Light from a glowing, loving Star.
In the depth of Love We came
to save this world from inner death,
to transmute matter into light,
to lift its low vibration
beyond the dark of night
and spare this icy, denser realm
its plunging, hopeless flight.
In giving so much Light and Love
we've nearly all forgot
our magnificent, glowing, starry past
believing what we're not.
And now we must remember
the Truth of Who We Are -
Angels Beings Co-creating,
Sons and Daughters of a Star.
We are magnificent,
loving Children
of a nearly forgotten Sun
whose Light goes forth to brighten All
so the world would know it's One,
enfolded by the Power of Love,
the Love that I AM,
the Love that We Are,
Light from a glowing, loving Star.
allen aslan heart
Do you suppose that angels are not "other than?" Maybe separating
beings into categories and hierarchies is the lingering illusion from
a mechanistic and scientific world-view that belittles us and hides us
from our True Self. We have forgotten Who we really are. Even our
spiritual reality is shaped by forces that narrow our vision, and we
experience life unconscious of the self-imposed limitation. Must
angels always have wings? Do they shine with celestial light? Can
they only be found in numinous, miraculous events outside the
"natural" world? Can there be "super-natural" existence in a
UNIverse, the All that Is ONE? In the Oneness, isn't there a seamless
wonder of Being? Are angels and miracles natural and commonplace and
we need to know how to look, to understand with our heart as well as
our mind?
Then I lived the answer to my questions during a winter holiday in
Mazatlan, Mexico. It was warm, friendly, and enchanting, an exciting
change of pace from a biting cold spell in Minnesota. All day and all
night the Pacific Ocean pounded on the Mexican coast in front of our
hotel. Often the sounds of the busy street were lost in the sound of
the crashing surf--The Paseo Olas Altas was named for the high waves.
In the mid-afternoon of our second day in Mazatlan, my companions and
I decided to go to the small beach one block away instead of traveling
two miles to the beaches of the Gold Zone, the tourist area. After
towels had established our territory, Sue settled in to read, Teri to
watch her little children, Mary, Steve, Jesse, and Linda plunged into
the surf, and I searched the nearby rocks for interesting forms of
life. But my four surf-riding friends seemed to be having so much fun
that I decided to venture closer to the heaving waves. The undertow
was deceptive, making it seem as though we were in shallow water.
Teri was worried about everyone's safety, shouting for her mother to
come back nearer to the shore. Her concern signaled caution, so I
made certain that my feet could hold me against the pull of the
Then Jesse appeared, pushing Linda toward me, asking me to help get
her back to shore. She seemed frightened. I moved forward three
steps...and I was swept off my feet. Now I was in danger, too. As I
tried to swim toward shore I seemed to be getting farther away. Steve
and Jesse were trying to help their mother toward shore. Soon I
seemed to be all alone. I tried to swim, but the surf would rise
quickly and surprise my lungs with salty water instead of air. I
cried for help but I could see no response on the beach. The world
seemed indifferent to my plight. "Help me!" I shouted. "I can't do
this anymore!" My arms felt heavy and almost useless. For a moment I
considered just letting go. But the saltwater stung my lungs. "Help
me!" Soon I could only whisper, "Help me!"
Sometimes the beach would disappear only to appear again as I rose on
yet another swell, each time farther from safety. Even if, by some
miracle, the waves would cease pummeling me and the sea stop pulling
me farther from shore, I would not have had enough strength to get
back to safety by myself. I needed help. I could only think a cry
for help. (Help)
Suddenly a man was at my side pushing a surfboard toward me. I
grasped the board with grateful relief and held on with all the
strength I could muster. Other men came to rescue me--one on the
front of the board, another behind, and another towing. I couldn't
put my head down on the board to rest yet. The waves continued to
break over us as we struggled toward shore. Whatever energy I had
left I used to help kick toward shore. I saw Mary being towed toward
shore on another surfboard. I had thought that she'd already gotten
Finally, as I rode the board into ankle deep water, I saw Mary lying
motionless on the sand. Stumbling weakly onto the beach beside her, I
saw her move. She was alive. I collapsed onto the sand, head toward
the sea to let the sea water drain from my lungs. Never had sand felt
so good on my face! All over the beach people were ministering to the
five of us. Steve, Jesse, and Linda had made it to safety on the
rocks only to be seriously injured by the spines of the sea urchins.
They were taken to the nearby military hospital for emergency care.
After recovering enough strength to walk I began to wobble back to my
hotel helped by a man who identified himself as Ed. I asked him to
get the names of the people who had helped us so I could thank them
later. Later when I asked Ed about the near disaster, he told me that
the previous year a 14-year old girl had drowned in the same area.
And he told me that there had been an off-duty lifeguard from another
city visiting the beach that day.
"What were their names?" I asked.
"I wrote their names down for you," he replied, handing me the folded
note paper.
I unfolded the paper and read their names....Raphael....and Gabriel.
In the spring of 1996 I was called from Minnesota to go to Chicago to
help a friend who was very ill. I was just beginning to put my
financial life back together after leaving the northern Minnesota
farm. I began the journey with $40 in cash and about $100 in my
checking account. On the day I was to return to teach my Dream
weaving classes in Minnesota my Buick wouldn't start. I had it hauled
to a local garage. They later called to tell me that it would cost
about $200 to fix it. I spent about five minutes whining and
complaining, "Where am I going to get the money?"
Then came the obvious answer. "From the sale of Dream
Catchers, of
So I made two appointments to show the Dream Catchers, the garage
picked me up, I wrote a check for $214, went to the two stores, and
sold $218 worth of Dream Catchers--$4 extra for gas! I believe I can
The Stories Dream Catchers Weave
Are you ready to take charge of your life? Get out of debt NOW! Click
Here's My Bailout
White Eagle Soaring: Dream Dancer of the 7th Fire

Index of DreamCatchers However
You Spell DreamCatcher
However you've spelled Dream Catcher, these REAL Dream Catchers are
natural magic from Creator Direct (Manidoog).

This is a crazy world. What can be
done? Amazingly, we have been mislead. We have been taught that we can
control government by voting. The founder of the Rothschild dynasty, Mayer
Amschel Bauer, told the secret of controlling the government of a nation
over 200 years ago. He said, "Permit me to issue and control the money of
a nation and I care not who makes its laws." Get the picture? Your freedom
hinges first on the nation's banks and money system. That's why we
advocate using the
Liberty Dollar, to understand the
monetary and banking system. Freedom is connected with
Debt Elimination for each individual. Not
only does this end personal debt, it places the people first in line as
creditors to the National Debt ahead of the banks. They don't wish for you
to know this. It has to do with recognizing WHO you really are in
A New Beginning: A Practical Course in Miracles.
back your power and
stop volunteering to pay taxes to the collection
agency for the BEAST. You can take back that which is yours,
always has been yours and use it to pay off your debts. And you can send
others to these pages to discover what you are discovering.
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Dream Catchers
Art and Culture of the Seventh Fire
Dream-Catchers are wisdom-teachers. If you learn to
listen, they will take YOU on a journey of wonder and revelations, too.
Illusions are stripped away and new ways are revealed. The real
Dream-Catchers of the Seventh Fire are
waiting for you. Come into the realm of Real Dream-Catchers. See with eyes of spirit,
listen with your heart and soar with the White Eagle.
Disclaimer: The
statements on www.real-dream-catchers.com have not been evaluated by the FDA.
These dream catchers are not intended to diagnose nor treat nor cure any
disease or illness. Neither are dreamcatchers, the dream catcher, nor any
In accordance with Title 17
U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who
have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for
research and educational purposes.
© 2007, Allen Aslan Heart / White Eagle Soaring of the Little Shell Pembina Band, a
Tribe of the Ojibwe Nation.